part iv

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The air was thick with the brewing tension between the four people and the woman who's standing before them. Dinah and Lucas were looking at the woman standing with wide eyes and mouth agape. Jackson has a scowl on his face as he put his bottle of whiskey down, stomping his lit cigarette and taking out his gun from his coat's pocket.

"Ellie. . ." Lucas breathed out in disbelief, looking at Ellie with adoration; checking if what he is seeing right now is true and not just his imagination.

Jackson fired the gun at Ellie, purposely not hitting the woman as he aimed for the air beside Ellie's ear, "Hurt my boss, or I'll fucking aim for your head," Jackson threatened.

Ellie let out a mocking laugh, "Really, Jacky? You think you can threaten me with that?"

As soon as those words left Ellie's mouth, she threw a knife at Jackson's direction; the sound of Ellie's knife and Jackson's bullet colliding echoed throughout the forest. Ellie's knife ended up in different direction while Jackson's bullet hit a tree.

"Not bad," Ellie nodded her head, feeling amused at the dark eyed man's quick response.

"I don't have time for this, Ellie," Camila spoke up, getting up slowly as Lauren helped her.

"What have I told you about being slow, love?" Ellie quirked an eyebrow, still not noticing the girl beside Camila.

Camila huffed, rolling her eyes as she mumbled, "That it'll get me killed one day."

Camila knew that from the moment she answered Ellie's question, the woman will make another attack. Camila; being ready for the upcoming attack dodged the knife easily, bringing Lauren with her. She almost cried out in pain when she accidentally put a force to her wound. Lauren's eyes snapped towards Camila's wound, noticing that more blood was coming out of it. Her hands were shaking as she glanced at the blue eyed woman who's currently playing with a knife.

"Stay out of this, Lauren," Camila whispered, despite the throbbing pain she's feeling, "She's too dangerous."

Lauren's eyes snapped towards Camila, "She's fucking crazy," she scowled.

Camila gave her a small smile, "I know. And that's why you should stay out of this."

"Oh," Ellie's sultry voice cut the two girls conversation off, "A new girl? A playtoy perhaps, love?"

Lauren frowned at Ellie's words. She felt offended that the woman saw her as that kind of girl. She must be blind because Lauren was far from that --far from being a playtoy. And she's not going to sit here and let the woman insult her.

"You know what?" Lauren stood up, ignoring Camila's protest, "You are fucking crazy, bitch. First, you showed up out of nowhere and harmed Camila. Second, you're trying to kill her brother. Lastly, you're calling someone you don't even know a playtoy and it really amuses me that that word came out of your fucking mouth because as far as I can see, you should be the last person to say that!"

Dinah's jaw went slacked while Jackson had a small smile on his lips as he held his gun tightly on his hand. Lucas was glaring at Lauren; feeling offended on Ellie's behalf. The romantic feelings of the boy towards the woman seemed to always cloud his rational thoughts.

Camila; knowing that those might be Lauren's last words if she fails to protect the green eyed girl stood up beside Lauren, sighing in distress. She grabbed Lauren's hand as Ellie raised an eyebrow to them. Her eyes trained towards the conjoined hands. Her free hand was twitching in irritation.

Who is this girl Camila is playing with? Ellie asked to herself, still playing with the knife in her hand.

Meanwhile, Dinah stood beside Lauren. Waiting for Camila to tell her to protect the girl as she fight with Ellie. The scene playing right now was not not new to the Polynesian girl. Ellie would always come unannounced and have a fight with their leader. It was always a messy fight. One would end up with bloody hands and the other one would end up with a bloody wound. Most of their fights were won by their leader; with Camila being fast and tricky in all her attack, and Ellie would always fell for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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