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I wore my hood as I tucked my hands inside my jacket's pocket, making sure that I keep my head down to avoid having an eye contact with the people I ran into.

"You heard about what happened in Jackinson Ville?" I heard a woman spoke as I passed by.

I immediately quickened my pace, perfectly knowing what they're talking about. The anxiety of getting arrested was making me panic. There were beads of sweat appearing on my forehead as I felt my breathing slowly became erratic. As soon as I felt the anxiety growing inside of me, I entered an abandoned alley and stopped walking.

"Well, well, well," a manly voice spoke, and I can hear a smirk on his lips as he talk, "Look what we have here. You look new here in our town, yes?"

I kept my head down, not answering his question as I looked around. There were no way to escape from this situation. The only way I can take was the one I took when I went here. I looked over my shoulder to find another man blocking my way. I was cornered.

"Planning to escape?" the man said, holding a bat on his right hand, "That'd be rude since our boss had just asked you a question."

"Please. . .just let me leave," I pleaded, knowing what will happen to me if they tried to touch me.

"No can do, girl," the man with the bat said.

Kill them, a voice inside my head whispered.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the voice that was beginning to swallow me whole. I cannot let this happen. No. Not again. What happened at Jackinson Ville was already enough. I cannot let my rage, or my anxiety take over me. I don't want these people to die in my hands.

"Do you have some money there?" the first man asked, taking a step towards me as I immediately took a step back.

"I-i don't," I answered, looking over my shoulder and gazing at the man with the bat, but I made sure that he wouldn't see a glimpse of my face.

"Well, that's bad. If you don't have money, then we'll have to take something from you," he said, taking another step.

"No, don't come closer. . .please," I was on the verge of crying, and the anxiety of killing them was now too big to ignore.

Let me handle them, the voice inside my head offered.

I didn't noticed that I kept taking a step back until the man behind me got me in his arms, holding me tightly as his nails dug deep into my skin making me cry out in pain.

No. Please don't.

A hard slap was planted into my left cheek, making my ears go deaf for a second. And I know, the moment he did that that I won't be able to control myself anymore. I won't be able to stop myself from harming them.

It all happened to fast. My feet kicked the man's chest with force as he stumbled backward. My right foot step into the man's foot that was holding me. As soon as he let go of me to hold his foot, I turned around to hit his throat with my hand, my fist connecting to the bridge of his nose.

After that, I faced the man who slapped me and grabbed his hair, raising my knee as it hit his forehead. I went behind his back, my right hand going to his head as my left hand held his chin, and then I snapped it with no hesitation. The man went limp in front of me.

The man with the bat looked at me in horror, his hand was holding his bloody nose, "You. . .you killed Erman," he said in realization. The moment I removed my hood from my head was the time he met my eyes. His dark eyes widen as he realized who I am, "Y-you're. . .the one who killed a house full of people!"

"Now," I mumbled, "You really can't blame me for this," I said as I step my foot to the back of Erman's head.

"You monster!" the man with the bat yelled, letting go of his nose to grab the bat that was on his feet. He held it in his hands really really tight, like he was preparing himself for my attack.

"We don't have to go there, man," I raised my hands up, "You really fucked me up by trying to hurt me, and I never wanted to harm any of you."

"Take a step towards me and I will scream," he warned me, "The police are searching for you."

"I know," I nodded my head, crushing Erman's head with my foot. My hand subtly went behind my back, slowly taking the pocket knife inside my pocket. I took a step forward and before he can even open his mouth, I threw my knife towards his chest, hitting him straight to the heart.

He fell to his knees. His mouth was agape, blood dripping down his nose. I continued walking towards him. I felt a great feeling inside of me. Satisfaction. I felt satisfied of my work. Killing this two really quick warmed me up.

I gaze at the dead body before me. There were no regret bubbling up in the pit of my stomach. The brown eyed Camila was deep asleep inside of me, too exhausted in facing the trouble I had created. I scratched my chin, contemplating whether it's best to turn myself in the police or just runaway.

Camila would surely want the latter, but I know that it is safe for her to be in the custody of the police. I was too caught up in my thoughts that I didn't noticed a police car stopped in front of me.

"Camila Cabello, you are under arrest for killing a total of fifty-five people in Jackinson Ville!" a police got out of the car, hiding behind the door as a gun was pointed at me.

I met his eyes and I saw a hint of fear in his eyes. Who wouldn't fear me? I just killed a house full of people in my town three days ago. But duty is duty. He knows he couldn't show that he was afraid of me, thinking that I might take that as an advantage and run away. Honestly, I can just throw another knife in his direction, aiming for his hand but I wouldn't do that. Too much damage was done, and I might be evil but Camila was still inside of me. We share the same body and I have to respect her.

I slowly raised my hands up in the air, letting him know that I don't want to cause a commotion.

"On your knees, and don't move or I-I will shoot you!" he commanded.

I got on my knees with my hands still up in the air. I had my head down as I heard his footsteps coming towards me.

"I'm sorry, Camila," I mumbled under my breath, hoping that the brown eyed girl would forgive me for turning herself in.

Those were my last words before the police hit the back of my head and darkness invaded my eyes.

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