part i

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Two years later

Lauren's POV

"Here's your order, ma'am," the waiter put my order down the table as he gave me a small smile, looking at me intensely.

"Thank you," I said before he bid his goodbye with a nod of his head. I took the cup in my hand, smelling the scent of aroma from the coffee.

Today, I stumbled upon a town named Blakes Town. It was a beautiful town and people are really welcoming. You cannot see a huge building here. Just a few café's and diners down the road. There are lots of trees and the warm breeze of September made me smile. I really like to travel, and I've been to many different places since I reached the age of twenty-two.

Being a traveller lets me meet different kinds of people and it lets me see different perspectives in life. It was beautiful. This was my dream since I was a kid, and I know that I will never regret following my dream. Now, how did I get here in Blakes Town?

So I was driving my car and I was driving with no particular destination. Wherever my car takes me to was fine with me. And yesterday, while I was driving, a squirrel appeared in front of my car and I was so shocked that I lost my control of the car and hit a tree on the side. Then I met an old man and he was the one who helped me to get my car fix by taking me here in Blakes Town. And so that is why I am here.

And I realized that it wouldn't hurt to explore this town. I've always wanted to go to places spontaneously.

I opened my journal and wrote my latest entry, taking a sip from my coffee occasionally. I was too engrossed on writing my entry on my journal that I failed to notice the people leaving the café in a rush.


I looked up and met a pair of brown eyes. She was smiling down at me, gazing at my eyes as we had a staring contest. There was a prominent scar on her right eyebrow. Her hair was down and it cascaded down to her shoulder. It looked like she just cut her hair yesterday since I can sense that she's still adjusting to her new hair length.

"Uhm, hi," I looked down, closing my journal as I looked around the café. I was shocked to find that I was the only one left. I glanced at the counter and found that the waiters were long gone. I averted my gaze back to the stranger in front of me.

"You look new here," she said, her hand tucked inside her pocket.

She was wearing a white buttoned up long sleeve shirt and a tattered jeans. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbow. The two buttons of her shirt were down and it gave me a small glimpse of her tattoo on her chest. I looked up and met her eyes, and I realized that she saw me looking at her open shirt, and she probably thinks that I'm checking her out which I'm. . .not.

I looked away from her gaze, before saying, "Yeah. I-i'm a traveller," I stuttered, not knowing why I did. I sipped my coffee that was already cold.

"A traveller, huh? Interesting," the girl nodded her head before taking a seat in front of me.

"Excuse me, but do I know you?" I raised an eyebrow, cupping my cup of coffee with the both of my hands.

She shook her head with a small smile, "I think this is the first time we've seen each other, yes?"

I nodded my head, "Where did the people go? It's too early, it's just. . ." I trailed off as I checked my watch, "Past five-thirty."

"It is. But people are kind of scared for their lives, since criminals are roaming around."

My eyes widen in horror, "Criminals?!"

She nodded her head, "Yes, yes. Different kinds of criminals are roaming around every month."

September CriminalsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz