(26) The Plan She Devised

Start from the beginning

"Riley?" Rayner called out calmly with a loud clear voice that screamed authority. His cop voice. "Where are you Riley? Don't do anything rash." He motioned for me to follow him down the stairs removing his gun from the waistline of his jeans. "Riley?" He called out again pointing his gun around the stair well finding Riley wasn't there either.

"Where did he go?" I whispered just as confused as Rayner, just as we turned I heard the click of a gun's safety going off. Rayner and I span around quickly, Rayner aimed his gun at a very sleepy looking Riley who in return pointed his gun at me.

"You thought you'd seduce and drug me so you and your boyfriend could rob me Tori?" Riley slurred his gun swaying. I held up my hands in surrender. "Listen to me Riley, that's not what happened? We haven't stolen anything, I came here with you remember?" I lied trying to talk him down from the ledge because I wanted to live. "Don't lie to me you bitch!" He shouted making me jump with fright. "I'm not lying Riley. I called my friend Rayner because you passed out in the car and I couldn't get you inside by myself. I came in to use the restroom and we were leaving I swear." I'm not sure where that lie came from but I hoped it would be enough to convince him to not shoot.

"Listen Riley," Rayner started because Riley showed no sign of putting the gun down. "you need to put down the gun. Put it down and we will leave okay? We didn't steal anything." Rayner had an extremely trust worthy voice that I'm sure he'd learned in the police academy. Riley almost seemed convinced until Rayner took a step forward.

"Stay the fuck back!" He shouted again, "Put down your gun or I will shoot her! I swear to God!" He yelled pointing the gun somewhere behind me pulling the trigger. I yelped covering my ears practically falling down with horror. "O-okay Riley!" Rayner's voice shook as he held the gun between his fingers aiming it at the sky instead of at Riley. "We will put them down at the same time okay?" He nodded his head and Riley looked like he was about to be sick or cry I couldn't tell.

"Ready?" Rayner had some how convinced him to listen. "On the count of three." Rayner slowly went down on one knee as he started counting, "One..." He lowered the gun to the floor Riley following his lead. "Two." Rayner set his gun on the ground waiting for Riley to put his down completely. "Three." Rayner finished letting his gun go completely and Riley did the same and that was when Rayner made his move. He lunged at him quickly pinning him to the ground with his hands behind his back before I could even blink. He cuffed him, completely disassembled the gun rendering it useless, then took me in his arms breathing in the scent of my hair.

Riley slumped over falling asleep for the second time. "Let's get him to bed clean up the mess over there the best we can and get the hell out of here." Rayner's eyes were the most serious I'd ever seen them. I helped Rayner take Riley to what I assumed was a guest bedroom downstairs because we weren't about to heave him up the stairs and watched as he took off the handcuffs leaving him on his side tossing his arm across his body. We made sure he was still sleeping before we left the room turning the lights off.

Somehow the bullet had barely caused any damage in the thick cement walls. There was barely a chip in the wall lucky for us trying to be discreet. Rayner placed the gun inside the drawer of a decorative table in the hall and I set Riley's keys on the same table and we booked it for the door. Rayner tucked his gun back into his jeans then locked the door slamming it shut tightly behind us. We pretty much ran to his car still on high alert. He squealed his tires on our way out of the neighborhood.

"You're coming home with me tonight." Rayner decided not even offering to take me home. "What about Kato?" I panicked thinking about him being there by himself. "We will go get a few things and the dog and then you're coming with me." I didn't argue just nodded my head agreeing because I was not about to spend my night in my big empty apartment alone.

"Tori. I know a lot of really stupid shit just happened but I am still proud of you. Stupid, stupid not to mention illegal shit but you actually just gave your case a huge lead. We should go to the station in the morning." Rayner peeked over at me to see how I was doing. Somehow I wasn't having a panic attack but the adrenaline was still pumping through me. "Do you think we can trust the police with this? What if there are more crooked cops we don't know about?" Rayner scratched his chin that still was covered in hair. Which that fact made my heart flutter with joy because that most likely meant he was still trying to repel Eliza.

"Lets sleep on it then." He decided pulling into my complex following me up the stairs keeping watch behind us to be sure no one followed us. He stood at the door locking it behind him leaning against the door looking around his jaw jumped. "Where's Jackson?" He questioned trying to sound nonchalant.

"He went home for awhile..." I tucked some hair behind my ear getting a bag from the closet in the living room. Rayner just nodded his head staying put at the door while I got things from my room and grabbed Kato's dog food along with a couple toys unsure of when Rayner would let me go home. "Ready?" Rayner looked over me seeing I'd changed into a pair of leggings, sneakers, and a long sleeve shirt. I nodded my head clipping Kato's leash on his collar. Almost as if Kato sensed our energy he was on high alert once we were on the ground. He quickly went potty on the grass his ears raised in attention.

Rayner wrapped at arm around my shoulders while I leaned my head into him closing my eyes enjoying the closeness. "Come." Rayner called to Kato taking his leash from me taking us both to his car that we climbed but not before Rayner gazed at me with longing over the hood. The pain was evident in both of our eyes but this was the worst time to have an emotional conversation so it would wait. It was promised in the single glance he gave.

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