(23) Packed Bags

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Once I returned with Kato, Jackson still hadn't emerged from his bedroom and I was kind of in disbelief that he was this upset with me. I knocked quietly on his door hoping he wouldn't hear it and that we could prolong the conversation. I wasn't that lucky though because soon he appeared in front of me opening the door more suddenly than I'd anticipated making my hair fly up around my face. He looked really upset. "You left me." I accused as if I had the right.

"You got in his car I thought you were going to leave." He shrugged still standing protectively in his doorway. "What's going on in there?" I inquired finding it odd he was blocking the entire entrance. He sighed stepping aside letting me see he'd packed a bag. "You're leaving?" My heart ached at the thought of being alone in this apartment. I'd really enjoyed his company despite the things that we'd encountered these past few weeks.

"My mom asked me to come home to talk. I'll be back in a few days Tori, its a round trip ticket." I was still upset, "Why didn't you tell me?" He licked his lips opening his mouth to answer my question when his phone rang. His face contorted in confusion and he flashed the screen to me showing me it was Rayner. I shook my head frantically but he answered anyway.

"What's up?" He scrunched his face up listening intently. "Yeah she's right here." That was the end of the conversation I assumed because Jackson took the phone from his ear and put it into his pocket. "That guys being really fucking weird." I too wasn't sure why he'd called. "Will you drive me to the airport in the morning?" He questioned going back into his room to finish packing. I frowned remembering he was leaving. "How long are you going to be away?" I pouted laying across his bed watching him stuff a few outfits into the unorganized suitcase. I took it upon myself to refold his clothes so they wouldn't wrinkle.

"Will you please stop?" I finished the last article of clothing as he scolded me shoving a bag of his toiletries into his suitcase. "Why?" I felt offended he'd told me not to help.

"Because I get confused when you do shit like that. And I know I said I didn't care about what we are but I do. Very much so. I know you have feelings for me too I just know where I stand." I couldn't have him turning his back on me. "Jackson I really care about you just I'm not sure it's in the right way for us to work. You're my best friend..." I trailed off, your best friend you slept with. He nodded his head dropping what he had in his hand coming over to sit beside me.

"You're right I'm sorry..." He crushed me into his side, "I wish I didn't feel so strongly for you sometimes. I just really need a few days to breathe okay?" I nodded still emotional from this roller coaster of a day which had tears springing to my eyes for the millionth time. Jackson rubbed my back waiting for me to respond.

"Please don't run away. You have to come back." I pled feeling as if he was going to disappear. He gave my arm a squeeze and laid back on his bed rubbing his eyes with his fists. I laid my head on his chest needing a minute with him. He allowed this running his fingers through my hair until I was asleep.

"Tori, shhh." I woke with a start, the room was dark now and I was under Jackson's blankets. My heart was pounding in my chest, my shirt soaked, Jackson cradling me against his chest. My face was wet and once I came to I realized I'd had a nightmare. "I'll get you a shirt." He offered quietly leaving me to go to his closet returning with one of his T-shirts.

He helped me out of mine seeing as I was still in a state of drowsy shock. I couldn't remember what the dream had been about but it was a bad one probably brought on by visiting my old house. I pulled the fresh cool shirt over me trying to control my trembling. "I'll make you a drink." He returned not long after with a small glass of water in his hand. "Thanks..." I breathed feeling embarrassed. He sat facing me on the bed his arm crossing over my lap watching me drink the water.

"You called my name in your sleep..." I felt my cheeks heat up and I was glad it was dark. He brushed my damp hair away from my eyes, "I don't even remember falling asleep to be honest." I admitted sitting more upright and placing the glass on the bedside table I'd given him. "I think I should stay here with you." He said drawing his eyebrows together staring at my lap.

"You should go talk to your mom Jackson. Don't worry about me. As long as you come back. I don't want you to end your relationship with your family for me though." He nodded his head thinking really hard. "I just fell asleep without my meds. This usually only happens when I don't take them." He cupped my thigh over the blanket, "Only a few days. I promise." His eyes were sincere and sad even in the dim light.

Early the next morning we woke up to his alarms, well I woke up I don't think he'd slept all night. He was already dressed and showered propped up on a pillow with me curled into his side. I sat up slowly looking around the room at his one bag and prayed he really would come back to me. As selfish as it was I couldn't lose Jackson.

"Drive me?" He cleared his throat, I nodded my head going to my bedroom to put on some clean clothes. The car ride to LAX was silent neither of us having much to say. I reached over and intertwined my hand with his reassuring him this was a good idea. I parked next to the entrance and sat beside him for a minute longer while he finished a cigarette giving his hand a squeeze.

I followed him out of the car popping my trunk so he could get his bag. "See you soon?" He offered opening his arms for a hug which I took. I squeezed him tightly missing him already. "See you." I smiled smally, "Good luck Jack." He grinned his crooked smile kissed me on the cheek and stalked inside. I watched him disappear in the building hoping it wasn't the last time I saw him, but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't place.

She's His Everything (He's My Body Guard Sequel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang