"Alright then. Grab what you wanna take. I'll take you somewhere really fun!"

Immediately I grabbed my eye patch and a few of my dolls incase I got bored. This was gonna be fun!

(Time Skip)

We finally arrived at the place Dawn called home. After an hour of riding in her car it was really boring but i had a good time seeing everything.

Looking out the window to see the place I was a little displeased. The place looked awful.

We haven't even made it outside of the car and the place looked like it had been abandoned for years.

Rubbish was littered everywhere and there was a car crashed into a lamp post.

"Dawn? What is this is the place?"
I looked at Dawn, not really liking where I was. It looked...horrible. Like it had been abandoned for months.
"It looks completely trashed."

She gave me a half chuckle and mumbled something between the lines of 'you should see the inside.'

It hardly looked like anybody lived there. Was this what we were doing? Going into abandoned houses?

I was about to open the car door when Dawn grabbed my shoulder...

"Hang on lov, you can't go in yet.
she said turning me towards her. She then grabs a small blue container in her purse and opens it.
"What are those for?"
I asked, giving her a head tilt as I watched her fumble around with the container. She didn't answer me. She just stuck a finger inside and dipped out a small round clear thing with a bit of a greenish brown tent to it.

She then takes her other hand and opens my eye really wide and instantly pokes my good eye with it.

I draw back in pain and hold my eye.

I yelped
"What the heck was that for Dawn!? That really hurt!"

"Sorry...I had to. They don't really take kindly to blue eyed strangers."

She replied. Grabbing the other one from the container.
"Now c'mon give me your other eye" she said ripping off my eye patch exposing my 'blank' eye.

I screamed pushing her away from my eye.
"This feels dodgy I don't wanna do it!"

"C'mon! I need it, just for a second. It wont hurt like last time i promise!"
She yelled, reaching for me again.

I screamed pushing her away.

"Look, look i'll even let you put it in this time."
She said pulling out the other one. This time it had a black circle in the center of it.

"First tell me what it is...then...maybe then, will i put it in my eye."
I said calming down a bit. She then pulls out a small mirror and shows me what i found to be the most amazing thing in my entire life...

"It's hazle! Wicked!"
I said in amazement. How did my eyes change like that!

"That's the magic of colored contacs lov,"
She said holding the other contact on her finger. I then moved my head closer and allowed her to put in the other one.

I then looks in the mirror again and almost cry as i see myself with what looks like a regular pupil. I was still blind in that eye but I looked normal!

"Sorry I couldn't get the pupil right...but hey, at least you won't have to wear that stupid eye patch anymore. Well at least around me. Don't tell Paula about it though she'd probably kill me."

Dawn closed the container, putting it in her bag as she then unlocked the door.
I gave her a nod as I smiled happily at her.

Just then there was a knock at Dawn's window. I turned to see a girl with black hair and dull silvery-gold rhinestone colored eyes. She twitched a bit as she stood there. She looked to be only a few years younger than Dawn...and a bit creepy. Who has eyes coloured like that?

Dawn opened the door and I followed.
The girl looked at me as if she was confused and had never seen another human being before.
I ran behind Dawn and hid. I don't think I liked her too much.

"You brought a child?"
She spoke in a cold monotone voice that somewhat echoed a bit. It sounded hallow...creepy.
"Master Murdoc will not be very pleased."

I clinged to Dawn as she glared at me with unblinking eyes.
What was with this girl?

"Oh, shut up you piece of rusted metal. I don't need you telling me what makes Mudz tick. I'm not here for him anyways."
Dawn snapped at the girl. Giving her a strange insult. Rusted metal? I felt Dawn grab my hand as she lead me inside the building.

"Dawn, who is that girl outside?"

Dawn sighed and shook her head.

"That's Cy. Don't mind her too much she's not a real person. Just a lazy mistake of a guitarist. Mudz should've never rebuilt her."

I blinked at her response in confusion. She had lost me at the name Cy.


I was then greeted with that same strange girl. Her eyes dull and her skin as pale as a ghost.

"Correction Miss Dawn. I-"

"Nobody cares Cy. Go tinker with your system or something leave us alone."

The girl name Cy just nods and walks away. There was something odd and creepy about her...and about this house.
Something was definitely...off.

Gorillaz And Me (Pt 2)Where stories live. Discover now