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I remembered everything up until the moment she opened her mouth and started singing. We had talked about like green, opera, and then she asked if we could call. I sang some of Calaf's solo from Turandot, and she liked it. Then, I suggested she sang Kirstin's acoustic

"Break a Little", because I absolutely love that cover. She agreed, and the second she opened her mouth, I fell in love.

I had only talked to her for a bit. I didn't properly meet her, and I didn't know what she looked like. All I knew was that she was funny, sweet, and sang like an absolute angel.

After she left I just stared at my computer. I had no idea what to do.

1 new message

Oh boy, what now?

Mitchgrassi: Hey Avi I just found another 18 y o straight boy that i think could be a good friend of yours. His username is kolusola and is name is Kevin Olusola.

BassCannonKaplan: Cool, thanks.

Mitchgrassi: r u gonna text him

Mitch really wanted this to happen, didn't he?

BassCannonKaplan: Yeah I guess so

Mitchgrassi: I love starting friendships

BassCannonKaplan: Thats great imma gonna go text him now

Mitchgrassi: good luck bb

BassCannonKaplan: Thanks darling.

Maybe I shouldn't have sent that, it could've been too far. Whatever.

I searched for the username kolusola, and found Kevin. I looked at his profile a bit. He is a senior like me, and he's going to go to Yale. He seemed smart. He plays cello, and speaks Mandarin. He seems kind of intimidating. I decided to listen to Mitch and just text him.

BassCannonKaplan: Hey. I'm Avi Kaplan. A Mitch Grassi told me about you and said that, quote, "Hey Avi I just found another 18 y o straight boy that i think could be a good friend of yours." He then told me your name and username, and here I am.

Kolusola: Hey Avi, I'm Kevin, although you know that. I met Mitch today, and he told me about you very briefly.

BassCannonKaplan: All good things?

Kolusola: He honestly just told me your name.

BassCannonKaplan: lol. Mitch is quite the character.

Kolusola: Yeah, he makes me laugh a lot.

BassCannonKaplan: Same. So, tell me about yourself Kevin Olusola, cello playing senior to go to Yale.

Kolusola: Wow, it seems like somebody did their research.

BassCannonKaplan: I just wanted to make sure Mitch wasn't pranking me and giving me the username of some serial killer.

Kolusola: Good thing he didn't. Or did he????? *dramatic music plays*

BassCannonKaplan: Haha. You're funny. I think Mitch was right about us being friends.

Kolusola: I agree. (About Mitch saying we would be good friends, I'm not going to say that I'm funny)

Kolusola: Hey, if you think Mitch is quite the character, you should also text his friend Scott. They're both really cool and I think that they like each other.

BassCannonKaplan: Ooh, really?! I think I'll check him out. I need to see if he's material for Mitch. He deserves the best.

Kolusola: I agree.

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