The Riddle

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"We have to find her weakness, everyone has a weakness," Arkayna tells Zarya.

"I think I have an idea," Zarya says, "Look at the mask," Zarya is pointing to the half damaged mask.

"Great idea," Arkayna responds feeling more connected to her sister.

"So Proxima, you decided that you needed both sides ugly," Zarya taunts their enemy.

"Shut it Mage," Proxima responds getting her staff ready.

"Come on Proxima, you know that won't work. You may be smart but you're dumb enough to follow an ugly fashion trend? That look was so last century," Arkayna plays along.

Proxima aims for Arkayna, Zarya counters the attack.

Proxima growls as she aims for Zarya. While Zarya dodges the shot Arkayna fires at Proxima, hitting the mask so it falls to the ground.

"No!" Proxima yells as the mask descends.

"Oh, the mask was actually helping," Zarya says.

Their plan works and Proxima retreats with the spectral hand following her.

"That was harsh," Em says as she and Piper walk over.

"But it worked," Arkayna responds.

"True," Em said, "but it's not you".

"Em, I am looking at it differently now, you were right."

"Can I get that as a sound?" Em asks implying that Arkayna doesn't say others are right very often.

"I know, I know. But you are right, I was starting to become Gawayne," Arkayna admits.

"At least you are starting to see it," Zarya says.

The Dragon Disc appears.

"The Dragon Disc," Zarya says as a riddle pops up.

"When you live the life of two you finally see what is true," Arkayna starts to read.

"When the right choices are made the legacy will not fade," Zarya finishes the riddle.

"What does that mean?" Em asks.

"I have no clue," Arkayna responds.

"Who do you think it's for?" Piper asks.

"It has to be for both of us," Arkayna answers the question.

Arkayna and Zarya look at each other and nod.

"Now that we defeated Proxima we should go home," Zarya says.

"Yea, it's time to hit the beds," Em agrees.

Arkayna looks at Mathis, knowing that he is part of the Undercity she looks at her sister.

"What?" Zarya asks as she recognizes the face Arkayna has on.

"Maybe Mathis should join the Pink Skulls," Arkayna says.

"What? No way!" Kasey says.

"Kasey, Mathis has proven to us that he has changed, not only by the color of his magic but by his actions in taking the hit for me, someone he bullied ever since we met," Zarya says.

"What are you talking about Mage?" Mathis asks.

Zarya powers down, "What up Mathis?"


"If you are going to help and have shelter you can't call me Egghead, it's either Zarya or at the moment Dagon Mage," Zarya walks up to Mathis.

Mathis stares angerly at Zarya, "Fine, Zarya."

"Good, now let's get to the palace so I can hit my hammock."

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