The New Princess

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Zarya wakes up when she hears a knock at the door, "Princess, the Queen says it's time for training," Em's voice comes through the door.

"I don't wanna," Zarya replies, "Plus, it's only 7 AM and the sun isn't even out."

"Zarya Goodfey get up now!" Queen Goodfey shouts.

"Okay, okay," Zarya responds getting out of bed but noticing that the bed doesn't sink like the hammock she went to bed in the night before.

Zarya looks around the room. Everything is pink and there is no sign of anything from the Undercity. Zarya lets out a loud screech.

Em barges in, "Your highness, are you okay?"

"Why am I in Arkayna's room?"

"Who's Arkayna, this is your room."

"This is not my room. My room is messy, has a hammock not a puffy bed, and where is Choko?"

"Who is Choko?" Em plays as her and Piper planned.

"My pet Foz?"

"You don't have a pet Foz, your dad was allergic."

"What? No, he wasn't, he was the one who got me Choko as a birthday present. And where is Piper?"

"Princess, are you feeling okay? You are talking crazy, we don't know anybody by that name."

"I don't know, but stop calling me 'princess'; Arkayna is the princess," Zarya expresses.

"Well, I hope everything becomes clear, but right now you have to get ready, I am going to set up Izzie," Em leaves.

"Izzie? I have Archer, I use to call him 'Stinky', that is, until we had to train with Tazma," Zarya says to herself as she walks over to her mirror, "What's going on?" she continues as she looks at herself in the mirror, "I guess I will have to see what else gets thrown my way; at least one good thing came out of this, no Mathis."

Zarya walks out to the balcony where Gawayne is already soaring through the sky on Archer.

"Gawayane is on my griffin," Zarya speaks angerly.

"Zarya, Izzie is your griffin, you chose her."

"I chose her?"

"Yes, you did, when we first started training. Now get on Izzie and start training, your brother seems to be taking this seriously," the Queen says pointing to the sky.

Gawayne is on Archer, not even taking it seriously. He is taking selfies and texting.

"Gawayne, maybe you should stop texting and watch where you are going," King Darius says to his son.

"Yea Dad, whatever," he says finishing a text and then taking a selfie with Archer photobombing the picture.

"Archer come here," Zarya calls out to her Mysticon griffin.

"Zarya Goodfey, get on Izzie. The griffin you chose, the one you have been training with all your life," the Queen says.

"I have been training with Archer."

"I have no clue why you are calling Gawayne's griffin 'Archer', his name is Zeus," Em says.

"Of course, he would name his griffin after a God from Earth," Zarya replies.

"Well, it doesn't matter what Gawayne named his griffin, get on your's and start training," the Queen demands one last time, "I will not tell you again."

"Yes ma'am," Zarya jumps and lands on Izzie.

"Zarya, that is not how a princess gets on a griffin, you will ruin your dress," the Queen scolds her.

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