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"How can Kitty do this?" Zarya asks.

"There is no way this is Kitty," Kasey says flying the ship.

"More importantly how could Keeva do this?" Arkayna asks.

"Sir, we have a stow away," one of the crew members pushes a body toward them.

"Who are you?" Kasey demands.

"We know who he is," Arkayna says.

"His name is Mathis," Zarya finishes in a peeved tone.

"What are you doing here?" Piper asks.

"Mysticons, I want to help."

"Why should we trust you?" Arkayna asks.

"My sister tried to destroy me," Mathis says on his knees.

"I know a way to prove he is on our side," Em joins in.

"How Knight?"

"When we were fighting Necrafa I noticed that all the Astromancers had purple star magic, show us the color of your magic."

Mathis releases his magic and his hands turn purple.

"Fine, you can help but only on trial, Zipporah will be your watchman. You are to only take orders from her, the Mysticons, and me," Kasey says trusting what Em said.

"I understand," Mathis agrees.

"Zippy!" Kasey calls.

A girl with red hair and blue eyes comes to the wheel, "Yes sir?"

"This is Mathis, the Mysticons have accepted him onto our team, on trial of course. He is your responsibility."

"I understand Sir. Come along Mathis, you will need to change."

Mathis follows Zippy as they walk to the bridge.

"Why is she taking Mathis to the bridge?" Arkayna asks.

"Look at each crew member and figure out what they all have in common," Kasey responds.

Arkayna looks around to see that all the crew members have pink somewhere on them.

"You guys wear pink," Arkayna responds.

"It's their signature color," Zarya says.

"A foz would have figured that out," Piper says.

"Piper," Zarya has a sharp tone.

"Sorry," Piper apologises.

"Well, I got Archer but I couldn't find Kitty," Em says.

"She was good at disappearing," Zarya says.

"Where do you think she could be?" Piper asks.

"No clue, but Kasey is right. This isn't her," Zarya says.

"But what if it is?" Arkayna says.

"Sis," Zarya looks at her with a somewhat angered face.

"I'm not trying to make you mad, but as a leader you have to be open to all possibilities."

"Ranger is right," Kasey agrees.

"You're being skeptical of your sister too?"

"Look, as second in command I see where she is coming from, even if it is my sister; I hope it is not, but even you know that we have to do what is needed to survive."

"But how could she turn on me? On us?"

"Look, let's just take a step back and look at everything, maybe there is something we have missed."

"Good idea Knight," Arkayna agrees.

"So, what happened before we met at Sky Pies?" Em asks Kasey.

"Well, Kymraw came to us wanting to talk to Kitty. Then she left and Kitty came back to the wheel."

"Was she acting different than usual?" Piper asks.

"No, not really."

"This can't be Kitty," Zarya states.

"Oh stop fooling yourself," Arkayna responds.

"What did you say?" Zarya is furious.

"I'm just saying some people change."

"Not Kitty," Zarya is defensive.

"Mage, people change. We can't always trust based off the past."

"Oh my goblin Ranger, you only think that because they were up to something," Zarya argues, "But that doesn't mean Kitty is now."

"I found this on the bridge," Zippy hands Kasey a dark pink bandana and a choker with a gem.

"No," Zarya says stunned.

"I'm sorry, I know how close you were."

"Not Kitty," Zarya tries to convince herself, not wanting to accept the truth.

"We also found this," Mathis hands a piece of pink paper to Kasey.

"Mage, do you mind taking the wheel?" Kasey asks as he takes the paper from Mathis.

Zarya takes the wheel.

"Dear Pink Skulls and Mysticons, it is time for me to leave. Kasey will be your new captain and I will cherish the time we had together. Sincerely, Kitty," Kasey reads out loud.

"This has to be a joke, this is so not Kitty," Zarya says still trying to convince herself.

"Kitty wouldn't joke about this, she doesn't use pink paper for anything. If she uses it, it's serious."

Zarya doesn't say anything, she just runs to the bridge were nobody can see her.

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