|Chapter 9| Reiki

Start from the beginning

Reiki ate his broccoli and beer without a sound coming from him. When he sensed someone coming towards him, he cocked his head.

"Dang, I thought I could sneak up on you."

Disappointed, he went back to eating, silently as ever. It was the waitress who served him his food.

"You look ticked," she said, sitting down in the chair across from him. "Since you got here, you've had this... mood."

He ignored her.

She sighed, "I've heard of you. The Scarlet Knight, I heard. You're very strong, and usually people don't need you coming. Not until they're bleeding, at least."

She held out her hand across the table, "my name is Edda, by the way." She was waiting for him to shake her hand, but he only glanced up before eating again.

"Right..." she muttered. She drew her hand back slowly, and sighed again. "You don't look very cool, eating broccoli, just by the way."

A pause.

"Are you going to drink more of that beer? I can take it for you, if you want."

Reiki kept chewing.

"Not that I dislike you right now or anything, but you're very boring, Scarlet Knight."

Chewing. He drank more beer this time too though.

She's trying too hard.

"Who is that?"

Edda pointed to a man behind Reiki. He knew though, that she knew exactly who it was. She was just trying to make conversation. He wasn't budging.

She was failing miserably, but she tried.

"You stink at talking, Scarlet Knight."

More broccoli travelled from his plate to his mouth.

"Say something back, please?"

Reiki found himself chewing faster. Maybe if he finished his plate soon enough, she'd have to do her job and take it back to the kitchen.

"You aren't very good at making friends, I can already tell," her voice was disappointed.

She spoke once again, "are-"

Reiki kicked her calf.

She scoffed, "finally, something." She tried to hold in a grimace. The pain in her leg was gradually growing.

"Who are you?" He scowled beneath his breath.

Edda furrowed her eyebrows, "I was right. You are ticked."

"Listen to me," he grumbled, "go out that door. Now. Or else I'll throw you out there myself."

The blue haired girl leaned forward, resting her chin on her knuckles. "Why should I do that?"

Reiki clenched his teeth.

"Follow up on your threat, then. I'm not moving," her next sentence was in a bad imitation of pirate, "Me bones are quaking."

He kissed his teeth.

Edda stood up, and walked out the front door. Luckily, the bar kept filling up with guards. So Reiki went unseen while exiting with Edda.

He wanted to punch her as soon as they got outside, but he decided against it. He needed to know what she knew about him. He should've told her to leave while he had the chance. He didn't know she was forming one sentence with multiple sentences. Not until right before he kicked her in the calf.

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