Chapter 10

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Riley POV

Fourth year wasn't so bad. We were in the middle. We weren't the older students and neither were we the youngest. It was in thus year that you never got any popular kids but the Marauders were the most popular in the whole school.

Right now we were in the boys dorm and we were talking about our animagi plans.

"So the plan is clear. I'll go distract old Sluggy by asking about the potion assignment, Sirius will be under the cloak and will get the ingredients. After that we will meet Remus and Sirius in the room of requirement and start working on the potion since it takes months to brew it. Okay?" I finalized the plan with the three of them.

"I still don't think this is a good idea." Remus said.

"And we still don't care. We are going to do this." James said.

"Why can't I distract Sluggy while you get the potions?" Sirius asked.

"Because you never do the assignment. Sluggy is not thick he'll know something's up. Now let's go pretty boy. We don't have all day." I told him and Sirius and I headed to the dungeons.

"Hi Professor," I greeted Slughorn. Sirius was already at the back, collecting the ingredients. I could notice some thing mysteriously disappearing in thin air. And when I say that I mean they were going under the cloak.

"Hello Miss Maxwell, what do I owe your presence to. I hope your not hear to prank me."

"No Professor, I'm hear to ask a question about the essay you told us to write about the Polyjuice potion? Is it only hair that one can put in it?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course not. You can put hair, mucus, saliva or even blood. As long as it comes from the person you are turning to." He said. Immediately I saw Sirius hand thumbs up me from behind him. That meant he had already collected the ingredients. I ran out of the door and seconds later Sirius was beside me.

"What took you so long, I was beginning to feel sleepy. It was like I was in class." I scolded Sirius.

"It's not easy trying to find a ingredients you have never heard of before." He defended. I rolled my eyes. We reached the seventh floor and he walked back and forth three times. The door appeared and we walked in.

The room almost looked like the Gryffindor common room. Apart from the fact that there was a cauldron in the middle of the room. I took the ingredients from Sirius and started working on the potion. Sirius and James fell asleep and I was left working with Remus.

"So what do you think their animagi will be?" Remus asked.

"Honestly I don't know. Probably an animal who's lazy for Sirius and a persistent one for James. Seriously that boy hasn't given up on Lily yet." I said.

"Speaking of girls, Riley I have to tell you something about Mary?" Remus said. I hope its good news. Instantly after Rem said those words Sirius and James woke up.

"I thought you guys were asleep?" I said.

"Well, we aren't now." James responded.

"You guys weren't asleep, were you? You just didn't want to work." Remus exclaimed.

"Maybe." Sirius and James muttered.

"So, what about Mary?" I asked, changing the topic.

"I broke up with her." Remus said.

"You....WHAT?!" Sirius, James and I exclaimed.

"It's not that I don't want to be with her, it's just that I'm a monster. And she started becoming more hostile with me and she refused to tell me why. But I was really happy with her." Rem finished.

"Well, you'll be fine." I said. Honestly, I didn't know what to say. I had never gone through a break up before and I have never liked anyone romantically.

"Well, thanks. That was real helpful." Remus said sarcastically.

"C'mon guys. Lets go to the kitchens. I think Remus needs some chocolate." Sirius said knowing fully well that chocolate is the only thing that can cheer him up.

We all went to the kitchens. I hope Remus will be okay. But he's strong. He'll be fine. Right?

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