Chapter 2

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Riley POV.

I went to change into my robes after our whole find a name party became useless. We couldn't decide on one name so we gave up. When I went back to the compartment, I found the boys already changed too.

Remus started reading his book while James and Sirius started talking about how the Gryffindor quiddich team would be. James was the Chaser and Sirius was the Beater since our second year. I smiled inwardly at the way they always got excited when quiddich was mentioned and I fell asleep on Remus' shoulder.


"Wakie Wakie. Eggs and bakie. " I heard Sirius voice. The train had stopped moving so it meant that we had reached Hogwarts. My slumber quickly disappeared and the four of us hopped out of the express.

"Firs' years! Firs' years! Over here!" We had Hagrid say.

"Hey there Hagrid." I shouted to him.

Hagrid's big hairy face beamed over the sea of heads.

"Hey there yer trouble makers'. Hope yer had a good holiday. I have to go. See yer later' Bye." He said.

"Bye Hagrid." We said in unison as he went back to call the first years.

We followed the rest of the school onto a mud track and hoped into one of the horseless carriages.

"Okay. We need to plan our opening prank. So I was thinking...." Sirius started.

We brainstormed all through the ride and come up with the best prank. It would take place the next day. We walked into the great hall and took a sit at the Gryffindor table eyes following us all through. Most of the girls were looking at Sirius in shock. Most probably they had heard about Sirius girl.

"I hope they finish this sorting early. I'm hungry." Sirius said.

I snorted.

"You are always hungry." Remus said. James was eying a certain redhead. "Dude. You eyes are going to fall." I said to James while moving my hand in front of him. He sighed and looked forward to where the children were being sorted. I looked at him in pity. He had a crush on Lily since our second year and Lily had made it perfectly clear he wanted nothin to do with him. And it probably didn't help that James always asks her out in front of the whole school. Also that he is a prankster. Lily always called James an arrogant bullying toerag and other words that I can't remember.

But Lily was friends with the rest of us. She was one of my best friend and Remus great friend too. Besides the four of us, Lily was the only other person who knew about his furry little problem. You see Rem was a werewolf but Lily didn't run away from him and always made him remember that he's no monster and all of us were grateful for that.

She was also friends with Sirius but he wasn't that close to her like me and Remus. Sirius always joked to her and she would joke back. They would talk and then the next day Lily would scold him for being irresponsible and the next day they would act as if nothing happened and go back to being friends. Yeah, it was weird in that way.

I was snapped out from my thoughts by the students who were clapping. I had missed the sorting. Oh well. No one I knew was getting sorted anyways.

Professor Dumbledore stands up and I pay close attention to him. James, Sirius, Remus and I have a soft spot for him and not just because he is the headmaster. We have been in his office so many times and we know he also likes us too. He might be old but I swear he has a mind of a teenager.

He started talking and the great hall went silent. "Start of term notices. To all first years the forbidden forest is, well, forbidden.To the whole school fanged Frisbees and other zonko products are banned. The list is near Mr. Filch office." He said and I saw his blue eyes glance to where we were sitted. We knew this rule was only implied because of what we had done the previous year. He had bewitched a dozen fanged Frisbees to chase Mr. Filch throughout the whole. It's still hilarious to this day.

"Well. Dig in." Dumbledore finished and different kinds of foods appeared to our tables. "Finally." Sirius said. Man, that kid is always hungry and he doesn't even add weight.

After that we went to the common room and planned to meet in the great hall very early in the morning to prepare out prank.

"Good night." I said to the boys.

"Good night." They replied in unison.


"Have you heard that Sirius and Chloe, that Ravenclaw girl, are now an item." Mary said. Oh, so that's her name. "Um. Yeah. But I don't think it will work out. She's probably a fling." I said.

Marlene's eyes glowed. "Marlene you should probably get over him because it'll just end in heartbreak. Sirius doesn't know a thing about love." I told her and she shrugged and changed the conversation.

"So... What do you think of the new DADA teacher?" She asked. We always got a new DADA teacher every year. Others even say the job is cursed. This year our teacher was a young woman called Kay Simpson.

We all stated our opinions and talked of other things like the Weird Sisters band and Alice's crush on Frank Longbottom.

"I don't have a crush on Frank." Alice stated while her cheeks turned scarlet.

"Well, your Gryffindor supporting cheeks say otherwise." Lily said. We all laughed and went to bed.


I hope you liked it. Sorry its short. Long chapters to come. I'll update soon. Don't forget to vote and comment. I love you all. Thanks for reading


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