Chapter 9

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James POV

"Sirius," I murmured. Sirius was in front of me. But not the Sirius who I knew. He was not the normal bubbling self. The person who was in front of me looked hurt. Beaten. Shaken. His clothes were covered in blood and he had some scratches on his face."Sorry to disturb you but...." He didn't even get to finish his sentence. Why? Because he collapsed.

It seemed like i was in a nightmare. I wished I was dreaming. I hope I was dreaming but when the summer breeze hit my face, I knew that this was reality.

"MUM!!!DAD!!!!!RILEY!!!!" I yelled.

"James what's wrong?" Riley asked when she arrived at the door. She immediately stopped when she saw Sirius. Her eyes were getting watery but I knew she wouldn't cry. She knew she had to be strong for him. I knew, everybody knew, how close Riley and Sirius were. They were the perfect pair. They came like a package. You wouldn't get Riley without Sirius nor Sirius without Riley. It was like they clicked the first time they met each other. They had their own special bond that no one could come between.

I got snapped from my thoughts when mum and dad came. Mum had the same expression as Riley. She was also holding back her tears. Sirius was like a son to her.

Dad carried Sirius into the extra bedroom and mum stared healing all his bruises. I was pacing back and forth the room and Riley was fidgeting with her fingers. I didn't want to lose my best mate and neither did Riley.

"He'll be fine. Don't worry. And when he wakes up. Tell him he's not going back to his home. I have a feeling that this has something to do with his parents. Well I'm off with your father we have some business to attend to. Bye." She tells us.

"Bye." Riley and I reply.

We sat beside Sirius in silence. I could tell that Riley was engulfed in her own thoughts and I didn't want to disturb her. After a few minutes Sirius woke up.

"Sirius!" Riley squealed and hugged him. I smiled at myself. It was so adorable.

"Hey there Riles. I know you love me too." Sirius said. Riley let go. "Leave it to you to make a flirty comment the moment you have just woken up." Riley said.

"Hey man, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Good. Better at least." He said.

"Sirius, what happened?" Riley asked.

"Well, I found out that my mother wanted to transfer me and take me Dumstrung next year. There, then wanted me to get close with this chick because they said I was supposed to marry her after I graduated. I got tired of it. All of it. So I told my mother I wasn't going to do that. She went full out mud at me and hit me with this curse which started to cut my body. She also hit me with the cruciatus curse. Once or twice or thrice. I don't remember, I lost count. After that I ran away. She looked murderous. I swear she would even kill me. I had nowhere to go so I came here. I hope its okay." He said.

I always knew his mather was bad but not this bad. Actually, what she did wasn't even bad. It was EVIL. And another word which is stronger than evil that I don't know of.

"Of course its okay mate. You weren't just going to die there. We would all be heart broken. Mostly Riley. She'd cry her heart out." I replied.

"Hey!" She protested.

"Riles, we all know its true. But Sirius I'm serious. And no pun intended. Plus mum has told me to tell you that you are never going back to that home. She's sid that this your home from today henceforth." I told him.

"Thanks guys. That means a lot. And Riley-bear didn't I just tell you that you love me." Sirius said. Riley rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. And don't ever call me Riley-bear again." She replied.

"And since when has you telling me not to do something ever stopped me?" Sirius asked.

I chuckled at the scene unfolding in front of me.

Yep, I was right.

Those two had a magical bond somehow.

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