Chapter 6

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Riley POV

It's now the season to be jolly. Yeah. It's Christmas, my favorite holiday of the year. This Christmas I was going to spend it at the Potter Manor. My parents were going to Texas to visit my great grandparents. Sirius was also spending the holidays with me and the Potters. He would rather spend Christmas with the Potters than the Blacks.

"C'mon Riles, lets go." James woke me up. We had already reached London. We, the marauders, got of the train and onto the platform. We saw witches and wizards straining to look for their children and the pupils running to their parents.

"Bye guys." Remus told us. Unlike us, he wasn't going to spend Christmas at the Potter manor. He was going to spend it with his family.

"Bye." We told him. After that, we spotted the Potters and went over to them.

"Look at my babies. All grown up." Mrs. Potter said and gave each one of us a bone crashing hug. Even though Sirius and I were not her real biological children, she treated us as if we were and I found it really sweet. Mr. Potter also greeted us and after that Mr and Mrs P apperated us to the manor.

We went to our rooms. Yes Sirius and I each had a room. The manor had so many bedrooms that it didn't matter if we each got our own room. After changing and all that stuff we went to have dinner and we stayed and talked in James room. I also fell asleep on his bed.


"Riley wake up!" I heard James voice said. I wanted to grab the blanket and cover myself so that I could sleep nicely but I realized I was already covered. I also noticed that I wasn't in my bed and remembered that I had fallen asleep in James room. I also figured out that he was the one who covered me. How nice of him.

"Riles. WAKE UP!" He repeated.

"But I don't want to." I lamented.

"Riley wake up so that we can go and open our presents. It's Christmas." Sirius said.

"The presents aren't going anywhere. I can open them later." I muttered.

"Well then. You leave me with no choice." Sirius said. Oh oh. Those words never meant something good. Before I could even say anything, Sirius had picked me up and I was over his shoulder. He started spinning around.


"Fine princess." He said and he put me on the bed.

"Now look. My sleep is gone." I said.

"Your welcome." He replied.

I was about to say something when James said," Time to open the presents."

We went to the living room.

"Hi Mr. And Mrs. P" I said.

"Good morning." They replied. They looked of today. Like their mind was elsewhere. Well I was sure that it was going to be okay. Whatever it was.

"Mum, is anything wrong?" James asked.

"Actually no." Mrs. P said. I had a feeling that this was not going to end nicely.

"What's wrong?" Sirius asked. Mrs Potter looked at me with sad eyes.

"Riley dear we have to tell you something." Mr Potter said. Well if I wasn't scared before, now I was for sure.

"Okay." I said.

"Well dear. You know that your parents were supposed to be back from Texas today?" He said. I nodded.

"The plane that they were in crashed and got fire. Not even one person in that train made it alive and their bodies have all been reduced to ash. They don't even know who is who so we can't have a burial." He finished.

My heart was completely shattered. "So what are you saying?" I said while in the verge of tears clearly knowing what the next words were going to be.

"Riley, they're gone."

Those were the last words I wanted to hear about my parents and tears started rolling down my cheeks before I could stop them. Suddenly I started feeling like the walls were closing in on me. I couldn't handle it anymore.

I ran out of the manor to the garden. Not even caring that it was snowing and I only had my sweater for warmth. Right now getting frostbite didn't matter. There were other important things to worry about.

James POV

I could not believe what I heard just heard. The words which came from my fathers mouth hit me so bad. Although the Maxwells weren't my parents, I had known them fairly well. I just felt so bad for Riley. The emotions which were running through her head. I looked at her and saw tears running from her eyes. I had never seen her cry. She never cried. Not even when the Slytherins call her names. Not even when she gets hexed. Tears and Riley were never found in the same sentence but now they were. My sweet Riley was crying and that broke me. I hate seeing her in that state. All vulnerable and weak because she hated that too. She doesn't deserve what's happened. No one does.

That's why she walked away and went outside, I wasn't shocked. She needed fresh air. But what she needed more was her best friends.

It seems like Sirius was thinking in the same lines with me because he followed her out. I took her jacket from the chair and followed him too but before I could get out of the house, I heard my mother's voice calling me.

"James, tell Riley that we have taken her in. That she'll be living with us now. That she'll be part of our family. And also tell her that everything will be okay." She said softly. I nodded. That was very nice of them. To take her in. Now she would be like my sister. I went outside and found Riley's head buried in Sirius chest and sobs escaping from her mouth. Sirius was stroking her hair gently.

I went and sat down beside them. I didn't want to talk to her because she needed silence and I knew she wanted it too. It went on like this and after a while she finally pulled away.

"So. How are you feeling now?" Sirius asked. She gave a sad smile.

"Better now. I needed to get it out of my chest. That's all." She replied.

I went and sat down next to her and gave her the jacket.

"Thanks." She said.

"Riley I need to tell you something." I started.

"Today, a conversation which has stated like that hasn't ended well, has it?" She said.

"I promise this isn't a bad thing." I replied.

"Promise." She said in a soft voice.

"I promise." I assured her.

"Okay. I'm ready." She stated and placed her head on Sirius's shoulder. Sirius wrapped his hand around her.

"Well Riles. My parents have said that from today you're going to be living with us. They'll take care of you. So, say hello to your new brother." I said.

She looked shocked. I hope that's a good thing. And before I even knew it she had wrapped me in a hug. "Thank you." She whispered. "No problem." I replied.

"Getting lonely here." Sirius joked. Riley chuckled.

"Come here." She said and we did a group hug.

"Thanks for being there for me." She murmured Ko.

"We'll always be here for you." Sirius said. "You know for the first time, he's actually right." I said.

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