Chapter 7

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Riley POV

It's been one week since I heard of my parents death. One week of being an orphan and one week of me realizing that I've got another family besides the biological one that I've lost. The Potters now meant everything to me and I had never met any people who were nice and accepting like them.

We had gone and taken all my belongings from our house. You know, that's not the way I was expecting to leave our house and not call it my home. I always imagined that I would be nineteen and my mother would be crying that I'm leaving them and my father telling me to take care of myself. Instead I'm thirteen and they are gone and they wont come back. That's proof that you never get what you want.

But rather than that its nice leaving with the Potters. They treat me as if I'm their own daughter. They're pretty excited actually. Mrs.P said she always wanted a girl and now she has one. I'm pretty grateful for it.

Remus came by two days before we were back to Hogwarts. He said he would have been there immediately after he heard about my parents tragic death but her mother wanted to spend time with him. I understood him.

So right now we are in James's bedroom and we are talking about the Animagi issue.

"Well, Rem and I have done some research and we can totally brew the potion. But the sad thing is that the potion is only for two so I guess its you and Sirius who are going to be Animagi. But I'm going to help out in all the other things." I said. James nodded.

Sirius, who's head was on my lap and he was facing the ceiling asked."So where are we going to get the ingredients."

"We're going to take them from Old Sluggy's office." I replied.

"She means steal." Remus said in a matter of fact tone.

"How many times do I have to tell you. It's not stealing, its taking without permission." I retorted and he rolled his eyes.

"Sirius get out of my lap." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I want to go and sleep you dummy. Tomorrow we are going back to Hogwarts." I replied.

"Well I'm carrying you." He said and before I could argue back I was in his arms. Well there's no point of arguing now.

"Night Rem. Night James." I said.

"Night." They both replied.

Sirius carried me out of the room and now we were heading to mine.

"Siri, you do know that you can put me down, don't you?" I asked.

"Of course I do. But I don't want to." He said. We reached my room and he put me on my bed.

"Thanks Sirius. For being a sweet guy." I said. He chuckled and sat on my bed too.

" Just don't tell anyone. This could ruin my reputation." He replied.

I snorted."As if anyone would believe that you are actually sweet."

"Hey. The female population could. I am loved by the opposite gender." He said.

"I'm guessing its not for your modesty."


"Good night Sirius." I said.

"Good night Riles." He replied and got out of the room.


"Guys wake up." I said. I was in their room. Well technically its James's room but they slept there.

They didn't wake up. Obviously. The three of them could sleep while a war is occurring and they couldn't be bothered.


"Sod off Riley." Remus murmured.

I went next to his bed. "Do you think that Mary would approve of this behavior?" I asked. That seemed to do it. He bolted from his bed and went to the bathroom. I couldn't believe that mentioning a girl's name could work so well. That gave me and idea on how to wake James up.

"James, wake up!" I said.

"Go away."

"James don't think I won't tell Lily that you refuse to wake up. You know that will give her a reason to call you an arrogant prick." I told him. Just like Remus, his sleep disappeared instantly.

"Thanks for starting my day like that." James mumbled.


Two down, one to go. Probably the hardest to wake up. He doesn't have a crush or anything so that won't wake him up. When I yell he'll just cover his ears with a pillow and go back to sleep. I only had one thing to do.

I started jumping on his bed. "Sirius wake up!" I shouted. He mumbled something I couldn't understand. So I continued to jump on his bed.

"Riley if I wake up will you go away?" He asked.

"Of course."

"Then, I'm awake."

I got out of his bed.

"Riley you act like a baby." He said. I looked at him and did the only mature thing to do. I stuck my tongue out.

"How mature of you." He said sarcastically.

"Just prepare. We have two hours left to be in the platform." I said.


We were at the platform. Mr and Mrs P had said their goodbyes and went to their jobs. They were both aurors in the Ministry and they had some meeting with Scrimgeour.

We found a compartment and sat in it.

"I can't believe that tomorrow we are going to get assignments." Sirius whined.

"It's not like you do it anyway." Remus said. I saw Lily pass by.

"Sorry guys. I have to go." I said.

"Where?" James asked.

"I told Lily I'll sit with her. Get to catch up with her and all that stuff."

"Oh. Okay." He said.

"But, if Remus keeps beating me everytime in wizards chess I am coming to get you." Sirius said.

"Riles, Sirius will be there for in just a while." Remus said.

"Your luck of faith in me disturbs me." Sirius told Remus. Remus just shrugged.

"Sirius you do know that Remus is going to defeat you. Stop being such a drama queen. See ya guys later." I said and went out to find Lily's compartment.

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