the price of fame

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wanting to be rich and famous,

is everybody's dream as we are blameless,

it's the society to blame,

as the industry is all just a game.

the rich and famous,

are usually portrayed as the greatest,

but really, 

most can't live their lives freely,

as their personal lives are often used as a tool,

to have us fooled,

to be owned by huge agencies or companies,

worried of who he/she accompanies,

controlled by the public eye,

as they fear the public's assumption and their fans' reply,

 because who knows what's gonna go viral,

and who will be making the headlines tomorrow,

because no one would want their career to end in a spiral.

they must please the public eye,

if they want their career to rise,

each move made,

might get them paid,

fake some love,

as their names seen above,

follow a strict diet,

this secret must be kept quiet,

to look good at all times,

because they can't risk a flaw spotted anytime,

be sure not to make any crime,

to be able to take control of yourself under any circumstances every time.

they try to hide away from the public eye,

please don't ask them why,

some sunglasses, a hat, perhaps a mask too,

to do whatever that can make them blend in with you.

paparazzi everywhere,

following them as people stare,

cameras, mics and all the attention towards them,

look what their lives have become,

no more casual walks,

no more unrecorded talks,

no more relaxing travels,

no more personal information to unravel,

no more choices of their own,

no more privacy let along sometime of their own,

  no more lazy days,  

no more crazy days,

and lastly, no more simple days.

this is what their lives became,

as they hope to be a house-hold name,

even if it's just a stage name,

 they're just a player of this game,  

for this is the price of fame.

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