"No... no Brea. You know how he is. We've both went down that road of heartbreak from Kuc. You know I can never go back." She toughened up. "I'm going to go over there and show him that." She got up and walked back over to him. Me and my friends watched in amusement as our friend kicked her ex in the balls.

She sashayed back over to us with a smile. "That took guts." I patted her on the back. "Yeah... his guts." Jade said and we laughed.

My smiled quickly faded when I remembered what happened last night. "Brea... are you okay?" Jade asked. "I'm just thinking of something that happened last night." I tried to shake the thought away but I couldn't.

"My house flooded and my mother and I had to sleep in a motel. And after school today, we're moving into her new rich friend's house." I explained and they gave me sympathetic looks.

"Brea... I'm so sorry. You must be crushed." Jade rubbed my back. "Yea... I am but I'll be fine. I'll get used to it eventually. Much like I got used to my dad not being around." Tears welled up in my eyes and I fought them.

In case you're wondering what happened to my dad, long story short, he's been at the "store" for 10 years and I've been living with my mom ever since because I'm an only child.


"I'm tired of all this fighting! Can we just be a happy couple again, Erick?" I heard my mom yell at my dad from my bedroom. I'm just a broken 7 year old girl with an unstable family life.

"No.. I can't be happy with you. I love Breanna but I cant love you." I heard my dad say and my whole world crumbled to pieces. He's gonna leave, I thought. But not that very day.

~The next day~

My mother was I the kitchen cooking dinner when my dad came downstairs with a suitcase. He began to open the door until I stopped him.

"Daddy? Where are you going?" I asked innocently. He looked into my eyes with sadness. He cupped my face, "Honey, don't worry, I'm just going to the store, you'll see me soon." He said and I hugged him one last time and he walked out the door.

~Two months later~

He still hadn't come back and I was starting to get worried. But me being a naïve little girl had to ask my mother. "Mommy, do you think daddy bought everything he needed at the store?" I asked and she looked at me sadly. "Babe, I don't know." She said. "I hope he has enough money because he's been at the store for a while." I laughed but my mom looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Honey... your dad. He's not at the store." She said.


"Brea! Hello! BREANNA!" Cree yelled as she waved her hand in front of my face.

"W-what?" I came back to reality. "You missed the bell. You were day dreaming." She said. "More like a nightmare." I said and got up. We walked to class together and I went into Mr. Cavalero's room.

"Ms. Yde. Care to explain why you are late?" He asked. "Something... happened. It's too personal, I'm sorry." I rushed over to my seat and the class gave me worried glances.

"Moving on with the lesson, who can tell me what b is if 9xb= 27?" He asked and the rest of the day was a blur. I went home and my mom greeted me.

"Hello, Breanna." She said with a smile. "What's up mom." I said boredly. "Oh nothing. My new friend, Janet is helping pay for a renovation for our house. So go put on that nice dress I bought you when you were 10." My mom said excited.

"What? Heck no. I got that when I was 10. I have better dresses." I said and went to my drawer. "Please Brea. Wear it for me?" She begged and I took a look at the dress. "Fine mom." I said and put the dress on.

It was a bright hot pink silky dress with fluffy frills at the bottom. I couldn't believe it still fit 7 years later. It made me look so childish as well. I just put on some black flats and curled my hair and my mom drove us over to the house.

It was a large house like our old one and it looked like it cost a million dollars. "That's beautiful." I stared in awe. We rang the door bell and a pretty Asian woman answered the door.

"Janet!" My mom hugged her. "Nicole!" She said. "This is my daughter, Breanna." My mom introduced me. "Oh she's precious. Come inside! Come in!" She said and my mom and I walked into the mansion.

"You have a gorgeous house." I said. "Thank you sweetheart! Oh where's my son? You've got to meet him." She said.

"I'd love to." I said and tried to fix my dress. "Oh are you uncomfortable there is that dress? I could get you something more comfortable to wear. "She offered. "Yes please." I said and she started to go to her room but my mom stopped her.

"No she's fine. Breanna, you promised you'd wear it for me." My mom said and I gave a fake smile. "Oh okay then. I'll just get my son and you two could get to know each other." She said and I nodded.

"LANCE! COME DOWN HERE WE HAVE VISITORS!" She yelled and I shot up from the seat I was sitting in. Lance? As in Lance Lim? The jerk from school.

"IN A MINUTE MOM!" A voice yelled from up stairs. "LANCE DAE LIM I SAID COME DOWN HERE NOW!" She yelled and I just wanted to crawl into a whole and die. He's gonna see me in this ugly dress and I'll be humiliated.

He came down the stairs and stopped and stared at me. Then he looked like he was about to laugh. "Lance... don't be rude. Come and greet her." His mom said through grit teeth. He walked over to me and held out his hand for me to shake.

I just stared at it and shook the tip of it finger. My mom nudged me in the back. "Breanna! Don't be rude either! Shake the nice young man's hand." My mom demanded. I sighed and properly shook his hand but he kept staring at my dress.

"Well, Lance go and show Breanna around the house as she will be staying here and I'll catch up with her mom." Hi mom said and he held out his arm for me to hold.

I stared at him in confusion and he gave me a look, "Just do it." He whispered and I sighed and held his arm as he led me to around the house.

"Can I let go now?" I asked as soon as we were out of sight from his mom. "Yes you can." He said and I let go of his arm. "Okay, what kind of dress are you wearing?' He laughed and I almost slapped him.

"Shut up. My mom made me wear it." I glared at him. He showed me their reading room, dinning room, kitchen, movie room, indoor pool, outdoor pool and many other rooms.

"Nice place." I said and he smirked. "Nice dress." He laughed and this time I actually did slap him. "What is with you and my dress?" I asked and he held his face. "Nothing! Its just so hilarious." He continued to laugh. "Well don't get used to it. This is the last time you will EVER see me wear this filthy rag." I said in disgust and he laughed.

We got back to where our moms were and there were moving trucks outside bringing our things in. "Mom what's going on?" I asked in confusion. "Oh! We're moving in today! So you will go to school with Lance tomorrow." My mom explained.

"Oh, its 10 pm already! Lance, please show Breanna to her room and you both go to bed." His mom said and I followed Lance to my bedroom. "Here is your room. If you need anything just ask." He said and started to walk back to his own room which was down the hall from mine.

"I took a hot shower and got changed into my pajamas and lay in the comfy bed. It wasn't home but It sure did feel like I could get used to it.

I can get used to this. I drifted off into a deep sleep. I can't wait for senior ditch day tomorrow.

A/N: HEY EVERYONE! I'm back with another chapter for Y'all. Hope you liked it and please leave a like and a comment. Share this book and there will be more chapters coming up for Y'all!

Love, Zania.

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