Chapter 32

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                 Addison's POV

"Zed, I'm sorry but your sister is gone. We both know it, you know it , I know it." I told myself in the mirror.
That's not good enough.

"Addison, I checked everywhere, I can't find her." I turned around and he seen the tears in my eyes. I slowly walked to him and rubbed his cheek.
"She's gone." I whispered.
"No, we won't give up." He said.
"Zed... she's not coming back. They probably have her sent away. I'm sorry."
He looked down. I pulled him into a hug.
"I will use all I have to protect you." I assured him.
"But Addison, you're pregnant. I should be the one taking care of you."
"Zed, I'll be fine. The only one you'll have to take care of is this one." I pointed at my baby bump.
He smiled and kissed me.

It's been a few hours and all we have been doing is sitting around.
"Zed, one day I will try to get your family back but I can't right now."
"Addison, its fine, besides, you're my family now."

I woke up to a loud sound. At first I thought it was gun shots, but then I found out it was only thunder.

In the morning, I looked at some of my old things. I pushed my hands through until I felt a fabric material. When I pulled it out and looked at it, it was my cheerleading uniform.

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