Chapter 15

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Zed's POV

We have been hiding in this old place for a while. It's an old... cabin? I think. Dad found out that they were transporting zombies to abandoned island.

I miss Addison so much. I have asked dad if I can visit her but I am not aloud to leave. He also says she's human and he doesn't trust humans. I've tried to convince him that she's good, but he doesn't believe me.

Dad is gone out for food. We already ate the twelve cans of caned brains that we brought with us.

"Zed?" Zoey said.
"Yes, Zoey?"
"Are we going to get transported?"
"Not if we stay safe we wouldn't."

It's been 2 hours and dad is still not back.

"Not now, Zoey."
"But, Zed!" She said again.
"Zoey, I said not now!"
"But I really need to use the bathroom."

I turned my head and looked at Zoey. "Can't you hold it?"
She shook her head no.
"Zoey!!! Go back to sleep and forget about it, or wait till dad comes back."

We waited patiently. I am half asleep when I hear a loud noise outside. "Who's that?" Zoey asked worriedly. "It's probably dad, calm down."

I walk over and look out.
"Can you help?" Dad asked. He had bags in his hand.

"I had to sneak in our home. There was someone in there. She was calling your name Zed. I couldn't check though, it was too risky."

                 ~hours later~

I woke up. It was dark. I looked around and everyone was sleeping. I crept out. I need to find Addison. I look in her window and she's not there. Don't tell me she's looking for me.

I go to Eliza's home to check on her. "Zed! What Are you doing here?"
"Have you seen Addison?"
Eliza frowned.

I feel bad for Eliza because her parents were taken away.

"Zed... Addison- is.. well. She's in the hospital, unable to- breathe.

Pregnant by a zombie (a zombies fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora