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Austin's POV

After walking down the aisle with my mom, I stood by the pastor, waiting for my beautiful bride. The very thought made me smile.

My heart was beating a million miles a minute and I took some deep breaths.

I was totally ready to get married.

Ally's POV

My dad and I stood behind the doors that led into the room where I would get married to Austin.

"I can't believe I'm about to give you away," I heard my dad say from beside me.

I turned to him and breathed out a laugh. "You'll still see me all the time."

"I know," he responded immediately. "But you won't be my little girl anymore. You'll be Austin's wife."

I smiled. "I'll always be your little girl, dad."

He smiled back and we hugged for a bit before we heard the music started playing.

I quickly pulled away and looped my arm through his, holding my bouquet of lilies and orchids tightly.

"You ready?" he asked.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. "I think so."

Austin's POV

The music started playing and I saw the doors open. My heart nearly stopped.

Ally looked so beautiful. I knew she would, but she was beyond anything that I imagined. I could live a hundred times and never deserve her.

I could feel myself tearing up and I wanted to look away, but I couldn't.

Ally must have noticed me getting emotional, because she smiled as her eyes started to water as well. Her stride was a little rigid which was strange but I ignored it.

As she and Lester got to the end of the aisle, I walked over to meet them.

They stopped in front of me. They looked at each other and Lester put his arm around Ally, kissing her temple.

"Love you, sweetie," he mumbled.

She smiled. "Love you, dad."

They looked back at me and Lester took her hand, putting it in mine.

"Take care of her," he told me softly.

I squeezed Ally's hand and smiled. "I will," I promised.

He nodded and took a seat.

"You look incredible," I whispered to her.

She smiled, looking really, really nervous. "You look amazing."

Together, we walked to again stand before the pastor and the ceremony began.

Nearing the end, he turned to Ally. "Do you, Ally Dawson, take Austin Moon to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, in light and in darkness, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

I turned to her and smiled. She looked like she was frozen, her eyes wide.

"Ally?" I said softly, trying to get her attention.

She unfroze, but her face was still scared.

She looked at me and let out a nervous breath.

"I'm sorry," she whispered and ran out of the room.

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