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Your POV

I open the door into the Boutique with Evergreen and the others behind.

"This brings back memories, right Freed? Laxus?" I sigh smiling.

"Yes that's true." Freed says.

"Hmm..." Laxus hums.

"Oh...?" Evergreen and Bickslow chime.

"When I first joined Fairy Tail, they both took me here to get some clothes." I explain to Evergreen and Bickslow.

"Well, let's go in shall we?" Evergreen asks.

"Yes!" I exclaim practically flying through the door.

"I want to make this a game..." Evergreen suggests opening her fan.

"How about we give the boys a senario and they have to pick out outfits for us?" I suggest to Evergreen.

"OooOoOoo..." Evergreen cooes, "That's a good idea! Let's do that!" 

"But one of them will be left out..." I trail off...

"They can take turns of being left out, who wants to sit out first?" Evergreen asks.

"I will." Laxus says with no expression, as usual.

"Okay Laxus." I say.

"The theme will be meeting your boyfriends parents at a fancy restarant!" Evergreen announces, "Now go boys!"

Evergreen and I wait for a few minutes.

"(Y/N)" Freed says walking up to me, "Will this be okay?"

"Let's see!" I smile taking the clothes and walking into the dressing room.

Freed gave me a while dress with a V-neck and see through sleeves. Freed gave me white heels to go with it.

I step out and Look at Evergreen who is wearing a light purple dress, similar to her usual one, but it is longer and with taller purple heels.

"What do you think?" I ask everyone.

"Freed did a good job." Evergreen says.

"Did I Ever?" Freed asks

"Yes you did." Evergreen replies.

"I really like it! Thanks Freed!" I exclaim smiling, "Evergreen! That's looks cute on you!" 

"Really?" Evergreen asks striking poses.

"Haha!" I laugh

~After a few more rounds~

"Let's go to a shop for the boys!" I exclaim

"Sounds like fun!" Evergreen cheers

"What do you say?" I look over to the boys general direction.

"And you chose outfits for us?" Freed asks.

"Yes!" I exclaim smiling.

"I've never done this before." Evergreen says getting all gitty.

"Me either! Because I've never had a boy to shop for! This should be fun for us!" I cheer with my closed eye smile, "Let's go!"

I drag Evergreen out with me while the boys talk behind us.

"Say Freed, where do you get your clothes from?" I ask turning around.

"I'll take you there." Freed suggests.

"(Y/N)!" Evergreen calls, "How about we also try boy clothes!" She looks at me all excited.

"Yes!" I exclaim smiling.

I hear the boys laugh at how gitty we are.

Soon enough we reach the store and walk in, immediately Evergreen and I look around.

"Give us a senario boys!" Evergreen exclaims still looking at the clothes.

"The same as the first one, our meeting our girlfriends parents." Bickslow says, "I'll sit out." 

"I'll take Laxus." Evergreen says, "You have Freed!"

"Alright!" I keep on looking around for something fancy, it's nothing out of the ordinary for him since he always wear fancy clothing, but in the end I found a plain white shirt, a black jacket with leopard print on the inside. I found black jeans, a red tie with a clip on it. Finally black business shoes.

"Freed!" I call out, I have something for you!" He walks over and I hand him the clothes then shoo him inside the changing room. 

Sooner he steps out along with Laxus who is wearing almost the same as Freed but with a yellow tie instead of a red one. I look at Freed and smile.

"Looks good on you!" I smile.

"Thanks, good job on choosing this (Y/N)!" He exclaims.

~After a few more rounds of this~

"Now we chose for the girls right?" Freed asks.

"Correct Freed! I want to know what it's like to be a boy!" I exclaim jumping up and down

"Okay, I'll go look around for you." Freed says.

A few minutes later Freed comes over to be and tells me to get changed into this.

I walk into the change rooms and get changed into a siut like the one I gave Freed but with a purple tie.

I walk out with the tie not properly around my neck, it's just draping around my neck.

"Hey Freed, how do you tie this?" I ask pointing at the tie.

"It's okay I'll do it for you." He says walking over to me.

I hear Evergreen come out with the tie perfectly tied, I look to Freed who is tying it.

"No too tight, I don't like having things on my neck usually..." I say.

"Of course." 

He finishes tying it, luckily it's loose enough.

"Is that loose enough?" Freed asks me

I look down and see it tied to the first button.

"Yes! That's perfect!" I exclaim smiling at him.

"You girls could pass up being boys if you tied your hair up." Laxus says, with no expression.

I grab a hair tie from my bag and tie my hair up into a messy bun with my bangs and loose stands of hair falling around my face.

"Hows this?" I ask the boys.

"You look like a business woman." Bickslow says.

"Business! Business!" His babies repeat.

"Thanks, Bickslow!" I exclaim smiling.

"I like it, but a tight skirt would suit you better." I turn around to see Evergreen holding up her right hand to her face in a thinking motion.

"I do agree!" I exclaim nodding my head.

"Also black heels." Evergreen looks down at my shoes.

"Mhmm! Same with you!" I look Evergreen up and down smiling.

I walk back into the change room and get out of the 'business' looking clothes.

"We done yet women?" Laxus asks.

"Yes, let's go!" I exclaim.

We walk out of the shop and go to our guild.

Undying Love (Freed x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang