Back to the Guild

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Your POV

"You're in apartment." He answers coldly.

"Your apartment?" I question, "Wait... IN YOUR APARTMENT" I start freaking out again, "Did.... did... we...." I look up at him and see him turn pink.

"No of course not! I would never do that without a lady's consent!" He replys quickly, "Anyway... I made breakfast, come eat if you want some." He says, still pink, he starts too walk off so I follow.

I stand infront of the table and bow, "Thank you very much!" I give freed a closed eye smile.

"It's no bother." He replies.

We finish up eating and I wash up the dishes.

"There's no need for a guest to do housework" 

"But you made me these lovely pancakes! I must help you!" I reply, I feel hands go to my shoulders, I turn around a see Freed standing there pink in the face, "Freed are you okay? Do you need a wet cloth again?" I ask, no reply. Come on, let's go to the guild!

We walk to the guild in silence, it was quite boring though...

I opened the doors to the guild and have been greeted by none other than a flying table to my head, I fell to the ground and saw people crowding around me before everything went black..

Freed's POV

(Y/N) opens to door to the guild to be greeted by my flying table to her head.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" I call worriedly, before I know it everyone is gathered around her. "(Y/N)?!" I scream.

"Calm down Freed." Laxus says

"I don't know what to do!!" I mentally break down and take her to the infirmary. 

I shut the door and step outside to see Laxus, Ever and Bickslow.

"Freed, I need to talk to you." Laxus says coldly.

"Okay." I reply has he walks away, I follow.

Eventually we are outside in front of a tree.

"Freed. Why did you freak out back there?" Laxus asks me, "The only reason for you to freak out is if you..."

"No stop! I do not have feelings for her, she is a new member and I barely know her, that is absurd!" I cry

"Freed. You can't hide these things from me." Laxus says reassuringly

"I don't know why but whenever I'm with her my stomach feels weird and I get nervous. No words come out of my mouth like the time she held a cloth to my face, I am unaware about this feeling, what is it Laxus?" I ask, tears forming in my eyes.

"Well my good friend, that is love." He replied laughing, I could feel my face getting warmer and warmer.

"Love?!" I exclaim

~Time skip to when (Y/N) wakes up~

Your POV

I wake up in the infirmary, I stand and walk out.

I go over to the bar and see Mira.

"Oh (Y/N)! Are you feeling better?" She asks me with a smile

"What happened?" I ask.

"You don't remember?" She looks at me while the smile faded, I simply shook my head, "Well, you and Freed came back from a job, while you opened the door Natsu and Gray were fighting like usual. Them a table came flying at you and you got knocked out!" 

"Wow..." I say, too shocked to say anything else. 

"Freed took you up to the infirmary and let you rest." She finished.

"Where is he now?" I ask, "I need to thank him!" 

"Looks like he's back now!" Mira says as she walks away.

I turn around and see Freed and Laxus walking up to me, but I also see Natsu and Gray come, Natsu and Gray were the first to reach me.

"Hey (Y/N)?" I hear Natsu ask.

"Yes Natsu. Gray?" 

"We're sorry." They say in unison.

"Oh no! It's quite alright" I say waving my hand up in the air.

"You sure?" Gray asks

"Yes I'm fine! There's no need to apogise, I was just there at the wrong time!" I say

"Okay, bye!" They say together as I walk away.

"(Y/N).." I turn around and see Laxus and Freed.

"Yes..?" I reply

"Do you want to do out on a job with Laxus and I?" Freed asks

"Sure! What you thinking?" 

"This one." He hands a flier to me, "Catching bandits?" I look at the flier and think, "Sure! I'd love to go!"

Undying Love (Freed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now