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Chapter 21- Kayla’s POV

“WAKEY WAKEY!” A loud voice woke me up. I rubbed my eyes as my drowsiness started to leave. I peeked over to the side to see two gorgeous big eyes staring at me.

“You’re awake now!” Lilly grinned.

“Why are you up so early?” I asked peering over to look at the time. My eyes widened with shock as I saw that it was only 5am.

“I couldn’t sleep so I went to Kian but he said a bad word so I went to mom to tell on him but she just told me to go to sleep so I came to you.” Lilly spoke not even giving herself a chance to breathe.

“I think you should just go to sleep, I’m quite tired.” I yawned.

“Aw I thought you were the one I could come to. I thought you would always be there to help me but I guess I was wrong. B-Bye” Lilly sniffled and walked closer to the door dramatically slow.

“Lilly that’s not going to work.” I chuckled at her attempt. She stopped sniffling and ran to me.

“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!” Lilly cried out loud before I covered her mouth with my hands and shushed her.

“Fine!” I whisper shouted. I threw the blankets off me and got out of bed. “Follow me.” I commanded. Lilly followed me and I knew this because I could hear her ridiculous amount of giggles trailing behind me.

I first entered Lilly’s room and opened her cupboard. I found some sharpies which I put in my pyjama pocket. I picked up Lilly and tip toed to Kian’s room. I had to shush Lilly a few times but she finally managed to shut up so she doesn’t wake up Kian.

I first grabbed the green sharpie and drew over his eyebrows not forgetting to join them up. I then grabbed the pink one and drew him a curly moustache. I added a few more decorations onto his face which I was pleased with. I looked back to see Lilly holding her mouth to stop her from laughing out loud.

I offered her the orange pen which she gladly accepted. I stood back as I watched her do her art work. She drew a tree on the side of his face and coloured his nose red so he looked like a clown.

“I’m done.” Lilly shouted.

My eyes widened as Kian started waking up from the noise. I shooed Lilly away and gave her all the sharpies so he wouldn’t have a clue. I was about to follow her but I felt an arm grab me and pull me down. Lilly stared at me with wide eyes but I motioned for her to go away. Save yourself.

I turned around trying to see if he was awake and I saw that he wasn’t. His eyes were closed. I tried to hide the massive grin on my face. Even with all these drawings on his face he still managed to look beautiful. How does he do it? That little shit.

My eyes were getting droopy but they instantly opened when it finally sunk in that I’m in Kian’s bed... with Kian. His arms were wrapped around my waist and my arms were around his neck unconsciously. I tried to move him away but he just wouldn’t budge. This is so cliché, I always read about these situations in books and laughed at the characters, never once did I think that I would be stuck in a situation like this.

“Kian.” I groaned moving him. This was the only way I could think of to get rid of him.

“Hmm” was Kian’s reply. His eyes were still shut and he still wasn’t completely awake.

“Kian!” I tried again shaking him hard.

“What? Kayla? What ya doing here?” Kian groaned in his morning voice still not moving his arms.

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