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Chaeyoung's POV

"Why are you so quiet?" I heard Taehyung ask and I shyly smiled at him, the images of what happened earlier still lingers in my mind. We just had dinner at some restaurant on the outskirts of town. It was cozy and the people are very accommodating, not to mention the delicious food. I wonder how Taehyung knew about the place since it was placed too far away from the city.

He was driving and I didn't dare ask him where we would go next. To be honest, I am still afraid that he'd suddenly turn the car and head back home, thinking that this escapade of ours should never happen to begin with.

Because it doesn't make any sense.

Before I went out of my room, I was thinking so hard about how the hell everything turned out like this.

Was it that simple?

He sees me, finds out about my being his friend's younger sister, befriends me, and then poof, kisses me like he has the right to - not that I'm really complaining about the kiss though. But that's not the point. He would act like I was special then ignore me like he never knew me.

I guess I'm just so confused. Everything was just so new to me and I'm not even sure if that's normal. I've never been in a relationship before so I had nothing to compare with nor did I have any ways to ask someone to confide with. All I have was the memories that I created with V, his counterpart on the webtoon I created.

A few weeks ago, never in my wildest dream did it even go across my mind that one day, I'll be in Taehyung's car - all dolled up in a dress and light makeup. Heck, I didn't even think about talking to him in general. I was satisfied with looking at him from a distance, checking him out with my mini telescope

To add up to my long list of things that were bothering me, the conversation I heard between him and my brother still replays in my mind.

I was on my way downstairs when I heard them talking. They sounded serious so I had to stop at least, afraid I'd be disturbing them.

"Are you sure about this Tae? I mean, I can't guarantee you anything. I can't confirm anything for you," I heard my brother state, the concern in his voice inevitable.

What is he worried about?

"I know, Chim. But I also know that I can't turn back now. I tried but I can't. It almost killed me," he mumbled, his voice uncertain. For a moment, I wanted to go down and ask him about what was bothering him.

I heard my brother sigh.

"I get it. You know I care about you too, Taehyung," he stated, the heaviness in his voice can be heard, "But please... don't forget what I told you. If you break your promise, you're dead Taehyung," the conviction on my brother's voice gave me chills. He sounded terrifying.

However, the sound of Taehyung's chuckles gave me assurance that he wasn't in any way fazed by my brother's attempt at being intimidating. Which made me even more curious about what they were talking about.

When my brother didn't say another word, it was then that I decided to make my presence known and when I did, all my worries had been washed away when Taehyung locked eyes with mine.

His eyes were all focused on me and the glint on them made my confidence shoot up to the ceiling.

After all the push and pull that I did with all of my dresses, I decided to wear a simple white sleeveless dress that hangs until just above my knees. It wasn't too long nor too short to my liking which made me more comfortable. And since I'm not really used to too much makeup caked on my face, I just settled myself with a light powder, and blush and rolled my lips with some lip tint so it would look so pale.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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