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Chaeyoung's POV

"Impossible, how would he know? I mean, he never comes inside my room, does he? And I was careful enough," I whispered to myself as I paced back and forth in my room.

I scratch my head with my hair tied in a loose bun as I ransack my mind with every possible scenario in my head on how my brother would actually find out my secret.

This is what I have been doing since earlier this afternoon and now, it's past midnight but I feel like I'm going crazy. I haven't slept a wink and I'm afraid whoever sees me outside tomorrow would think they've seen a zombie or something. The bags under my eyes are screaming haywire.

Plus, all those things that I found out earlier make me think that I'm actually the most stupid student in our university. Up to now, I still don't understand how I am being called an unofficial beauty or whatever on campus.

What, are they blind?

I didn't know college could really loosen the screws on people's heads.

If I was what they claim that I am, shouldn't I be aware of it somehow?

I have been at the university for two years now and never once did someone, some boy reaches out to me or talk to me with a different intention apart from asking for my notes.

Never once did I receive a flower or any guy asked me for a date. Heck, nobody actually asks for my number!

A loud shriek escaped my lips when I noticed the bright light coming from my neighbor's room. Since half part of Taehyung's room which was facing my direction was made of clear fiberglass, the moment he turned his lights on and his drapes, again, open, the light illuminating his room travels freely to the dark space separating our houses.

In a flash, I turned off the light on my lamp table and skipped my way through the window, my telescope once again safely hanging in my hands, ready to be used for battle.

The moment I moved my curtain a little, my sight traveled back to his room, the telescope proving its purpose as my eyes were quickly able to catch the silhouette of the man who is actually the reason why I am acting like a maniac craving for some meat inside my room.

"Chaeyoungie, you're dead once Chim caught you," I whispered to myself.

However, I still disregarded the thought.

My mind had been going around since earlier and I need a distraction. And Kim Taehyung perfectly fitted that definition. At least to me.

My eyes followed his every movement, the way his hand pushes his luscious hair backward, my huge lump got stuck in my throat the moment I saw him stand up from his bed and he started stretching his hands upward, his muscles flexing which I can clearly see through my mini telescope.

My lips pouted when he suddenly moved toward the other side of the bed which was hidden from my line of sight.

"Bummer," I whispered but it wasn't even that long when his body flashes back in front of me, and this time, he was shirtless.

"Holy shit," I mumbled incoherent words as I heard the faint sound of music coming across his room. He was bobbing his head, occasionally singing along with the song.

"Oh my," I giggled when I saw him stumbled over something on the floor almost falling down on his ass. It was quite funny how he suddenly acted so cool, even pinching the tip of his nose as he strikes a pose near the window like he was afraid someone might actually see him.

"So cute, it's just me baby.. just me" I whispered as if he can actually hear me.

A long sigh escaped my lips when I saw him grab what seemed to be a towel before entering the bathroom.

In defeat, I turned around and put down the telescope back on my table before heading to the switch as I turn on the lights in my room.

For those months that I've been watching him from afar, I knew for a fact that Taehyung takes a lot of time in taking a bath. It even took him an hour one time. Whatever he's doing, my innocent self really doesn't even want to know. I know I have been acting like someone obsessed with him and anyone who sees me checking him out with a telescope would say I'm some kind of a stalker or even a freak but I don't go overboard beyond that.

I mean, I'd love to see his tight body and his beautiful smile but I'm okay seeing them from afar.

Just right after I headed to my table, my hand reached for my chest, the increasing speed of my heartbeat didn't go unnoticed as images of him running his tongue over his lower lip flashed before me.

I can't believe how Taehyung and I sat beside each other for lunch. And even though my mind was all over the place due to everyone's presence, the feeling of his arm brushing along with mine still lingers on my skin.

With the feeling still fresh in my system, I grabbed my sketchbook and pencil and started doing what I do best. A smile emerged on my lips as a series of scenarios started playing in my mind. Right then, I knew I had the right inspiration so I can continue the next episode of "Chimera: No Agape".

As if my hand has a brain of its own, I started doing my sketches, my hands gracefully moving, every stroke perfectly depicting the right emotion I wanted to portray. The storyboard for the next episode had been sitting on my table for three days after I made the initial sketches for it but I've been sick and I was too unfocused to even continue so I decided to just go and finish my pending requirements in school first. However, seeing Taehyung earlier and that mini-slip show he just had made my heart waver for no apparent reason.

It might be weird for some but that's more than enough to serve as my inspiration I doubt I'll ever stop finishing my sketches now until I finish the whole thing. Though after doing the sketches, I still have tons of things to do before I can finally post the episode for my Webtoon.

Chimera: No Agape, a webtoon I created two years ago after I saw Kim Taehyung gazing at the stars like he's the most magical being who ever existed in this world. It holds roughly fifty episodes already. I don't really have a huge number of readers, roughly two hundred or so but I'm fine with that. It's not my intention to be famous anyway. I've created Chimera in hopes to enliven my fantasy over Tae.

But of course, I'm still not that obsessed with him. In this world, I knew for a fact that Kim Teahyung will never in my wildest dreams be mine.

That's impossible...

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