Chapter 17

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Yukhei's P.o.v.

I hope Abby broke up with that weirdo or him with her! I dont want to see them together I already have to break up with Mai I cannot put up the act any longer. This relationship was not even suppose to happen but I really wanted to get Abby jelous but she didnt get jelous she just got even but apparently she does love mr junkie over there. What ever he has hidden I will figure it out I know hes hiding something. But I can surely know if Abby is hiding something Saba will let me know. I really dont want to be a mean person but they are pushing my limits and I have to seperate them no matter what! The cafe has gotten to boring but I have to stick around maybe I can over hear Chenle mention Abby. Doyoung and him have gotten even closer Im already thinking Doyoung talks to Abby too even if he says he doesnt the odds are all against him!

Yukhei:hey buddy what you doing?Doyoung:checking some things outYukhei:like?Doyoung:music why?Yukhei:cool I guessDoyoung:how are you?Yukhei:not good but I could be if someone would help me outDoyoung:did you argue with Mai Yukhei:nope Im dumping h...

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Yukhei:hey buddy what you doing?
Doyoung:checking some things out
Doyoung:music why?
Yukhei:cool I guess
Doyoung:how are you?
Yukhei:not good but I could be if someone would help me out
Doyoung:did you argue with Mai
Yukhei:nope Im dumping her real soon
Doyoung:what why?
Yukhei:because Im going ask out Abby
Doyoung:no you cant she's dating Taeyong
Yukhei:Oh so there still together and you want to tell me how you know that
Doyoung:ugh because didnt they come that time together
Yukhei:hmmm yeah but maybe they broke up
Doyoung:oh then Im not sure
Yukhei:oh come on Doyoung buddy old pal
Yukhei:are they still dating
Doyoung:I guess I dont know Lucas

Yukhei:hey buddy what you doing?Doyoung:checking some things outYukhei:like?Doyoung:music why?Yukhei:cool I guessDoyoung:how are you?Yukhei:not good but I could be if someone would help me outDoyoung:did you argue with Mai Yukhei:nope Im dumping h...

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Taeyong's P.O.V

After the arguement my cutie and I had just got closer. I am glad Mark went that day to get us away from that problem. Even if it were just a moment we have to talk about the whole situation with her and Johnny. Theres thing that will never be said because thats just the past and the past stays in the past. I need to talk to Mark and see what he has to say about all this. My phone suddenly starts ringing


It was a voice of a girl who is it?


Then they just clicked and I tried to call back but it would sent me to voice mail! Who could it be?! I get up and start getting ready for work at the uni so lame! Mark likes it there all the little girls try getting at him but I am not interested I have my princess I dont need no one else.

Mark:yo we gots to talk
Mark:about Abby
Taeyong:whats with her?
Mark:you know who she is right?
Taeyong:yeah and
Mark:oh so you remembered the promise you made to Johnny when we left Busan
Taeyong:what youre crazy thats not Abby
Mark:he tried hurting his counselor
Taeyong:he had many counselors
Mark:but he only tried to attack one of them
Taeyong:it wasnt her I know because he said that this counselor some other guy named Yuta tried to charge him more money or something like that
Mark:ugh youre not opening your eyes
Taeyong:look thats the past got it
Mark:alright fine forget it
Taeyong:boii dont ruin my morning alright.
Mark:relax dude lets go to work hurry

Abby's P.O.V.

I was in my office having breakfast and I was talking to Jaehyun he still has problems because of that fear of him not having money he had enough but he wasnt sure how to let all that go so that girl that came was nothing to him she just made it u...

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I was in my office having breakfast and I was talking to Jaehyun he still has problems because of that fear of him not having money he had enough but he wasnt sure how to let all that go so that girl that came was nothing to him she just made it up how crazy. He is renting with Chenle now since he doesnt want to cause Doyoung no troubles. They have been visiting me Doyoung says that Yukhei is always asking if I broke up with Taeyong like thats never going to happen. So what ever. Me and my Taeyong are super happy we have been together for 5 months now! We finally moved in together but sometimes he stays with Mark to work on their choreography. He really is into it. He shows me all the love notes he recieves from the girsl at the uni wow hes popular with the girls he never cares to read them so I just read them and threw them away.

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