Chapter 8

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Yukhei's P.O.V.

It has been 3 weeks since I told Abby that weirdo's name I hope she didnt find him! If she did I hope he ignored her like that day on campus. When she gets hurt she's just going to do the same thing. well work was a handful people came non stop today. I havent seen Abby she hasnt gone to work Saba says she's working on a very stict case where someone can get their kids taken away. I guess she will not be here anymore who knows. I know Saba wants the best for her and well even if she doesnt listen to her to no one she will always be friends with her.

Yukhei's P.O V .


Mark:yo you need to get out of this,room
Tae:for what?
Mark:you didnt call did you
Tae:nah I dont care about that its all the same
Mark:you said you were going to call
Tae:well not anymore fuck that
Mark:Tae dam get it together alright
Tae:alright youll see

Abby's P.O.V.

I guess they were right this dude doesnt need help hes so dam rude he doesnt care about no one. I thought that I could change his mind but no he didnt give me a chance to tell him nothing. He even called the police how clear is that! I thought he was just messing he didnt sound mad but he was just annoyed, oh god am I that annoying? No thats impossible if I were annoying people wouldnt come to me for help and I will kindly help everyone. Now I have to find Lucas and apologize to him and Saba I know she's not upset but he still is. It hurts to know I lost so many friends because I thought I could help them. When Yukhei mentioned the people who had stopped coming to my sessions and I still looked for them each one of them got away from me.

Yukhei's P.O.V.

Here again at work watching these dudes just standing around. I guess Abby resigned since she doesnt come here anymore. Well yeah it happens I guess helping people is her thing after all. I guess she does like getting hurt by those people that stray her away they dont want that type of help not all of them. Definitely not that weirdo It gets me so upset she chose him over me well over us because Saba is here and Doyoung and now Chenle. The cafe is our own get together! But that wasnt enough for her she wanted to go out there on a egg hunt for those people.

Doyoung:hey Lucas we need help over here
Yukhei:what happened
Chenle:It broke from the side
Yukhei:ah its okay we have one in the back Doyoung can you get it
Chenle:my bad
Yukhei:we all make mistakes right

I see Abby walking in and she's not dressed to work then I see the weirdo's friend come inside and tap her on the shoulder. I walk up to the table of the little kid calling me over and I over here Abby's conversation.

Mark:ugh Abigail is it?
Mark:I need your help
Abby:yeah whats wrong
Mark:well theres so much people here can we talk outside

Then they walk out and I go get the refill for the boy and I call Doyoung.

Yukhei:go out to the car and get anything from the car
Doyoung:oh okay
Yukhei:keep your ears open

I point to Abby and that guy and Doyoung just shakes his head, he walks out the door and I take the refill for the table.

Abby's P.O.V.

I need to go visit my friends at the cafe havent seen them after this last case. Well here I am, wow the cafe is a bit packed. I walk in the cafe and I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and I turn around and its Mark, he's Taeyong's friend.

Mark:I need your help
Abby:Yeah what happened
Mark:well theres a lot of people here can we go outside and talk

We then walk out and he starts talking

Mark:I havent seen Taeyong
Abby:what you mean dont you guys live together
Mark:yes but 4 nights ago he just walked out the house
Abby:with his things
Mark:no he just left like he always does like just to go drive around but this time he didnt take his car he just left like that and sometimes he would do that but this time he is staying out longer the most he lasted away from the house was 2 days but 4 days I called the police and now I'm here asking you for help
Abby:so what can I do
Mark:I think I know where he can be but I am not sure
Abby:where I'll talk to him
Mark:he's gonna hate me for this but I care,about him he's my friend I want my friend back
Abby:I will do everything I can to help
Mark:thanks really

Okay he goes to the light house but if he has no car okay I just need to find him now. I took forever driving and looking around asking around to the closest light house and I found one just drive a couple more miles and I can get there. Once I arrive at the closest light house I noticed its really empty no one is here really. I get off my car and I walk around my phone has a little bit of signal just great. Okay he has to be here somewhere his friend said he always comes here I suppose when he feels mad or sad but this is a very isolated place I wouldnt understand exactly why he would come here but Ill know soon!

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