Chapter 5 - "Against your will? Oh because you totally tried to fight him off!"

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Cassandra stood in awe and watched as the strange and gorgeous man that had saved her from confrontation earlier, followed Erica back to her house then assaulted her with kisses yelled at her. He was wonderful to behold, the flush that covered his face in anger took nothing away from his flawless features. She had all but forgotten about his amazing eyes as she watched his strong and pronounced jaw line flex as he continued yelling at her. She couldn't hear a word he said, she was still trapped within the haze of the moment. Surrounded and happily drowning in his masculine scent. She could still feel him against her lips. She bit her bottom lip and grazed her tongue against it desperate to taste him again. Upon doing so Cassandra noticed his mouth stopped moving.

Momentarily Cassandra was able to focus again on the situation at hand. This man had followed Erica here. Which posed all kinds of questions, the first being why the hell was he following Erica? Her mind was racing as reality settled in. This man was a stranger. In her house and he'd kissed her against her will.

"Against your will? Oh because you totally tried to fight him off!" The little voice in the back of her head commented snidely. If she had a gun? She'd shoot that little voice, she thought.

Cassandra didn't dare look into his eyes for fear of having more visions, as scary as the man in front of her was becoming she was sure any more visions she saw from him would be much worse.

Her emotions were in a hectic frenzy and they were flying past her like the meat at a dog race. First she was confused, scared and then anger set in. Anger at the man who had stalked to her home, kissed her then profusely chastised her.

What the hell was his problem? She thought beyond angry now.

"Cassandra? Cass... Look at me." Erica's level voiced protruded her senses.

"What!?" Cassandra snarled.

"You are losing control. You need to calm down. Focus. Forget about him." Erica said almost sounding trance like. Cassandra took a second to steal a glance at her friend, but she had no intention of calming herself or focussing. She wanted answers.

By the time she looked back to the doorway the stranger had disappeared. She screamed in frustration and threw her hand against the first wall she could make contact with. Typical of her luck her effort to release some of the frustration that was gnawing away at her had her hand collided with a photo frame which shattered, spraying shards of glass everywhere, they sliced through her hand like a warm knife against butter. Even as the blood began to swell and drip down her fingertips leaving awful stains on the carpet she did nothing but stare at the spot 'he' had stood just a few seconds earlier.

She heard Erica whimper and race to the kitchen where she began rustling around in the cupboards.

"Top cupboard, last on the left." Cassandra managed to say between gritted teeth. Erica was looking for the first-aid kit. Although Cassandra didn't particularly want anyone fussing over her right now, she was beginning to calm and upon a glance at the carpet beneath her she decided she should probably stop bleeding all over it.

"Cassandra?" Erica called tentatively.

"Yes Erica," She said exhaling a deep breath. "I am myself now, but that doesn't mean you still don't have some serious explaining to do." Her voice raised more than she had intended it too, causing Erica to wince slightly. Cassandra felt a pang of regret at how she was treating her friend, but it was quickly squelched in light of the fact that Erica had been lying to her for years.

"I know, I know," She said in a rush. "Just let me get you cleaned up and then I'll tell you everything."

Cassandra nodded curtly as Erica took her good hand and led her to the sink and began flushing out the wound.


"The only weakness she possesses are her eyes. They are truth. Look to them, for they speak the reality her mouth may not" The useless words of the Fates resounded over and over within his head

"Her eyes are truth they said! They speak the reality her mouth may not they said." Elijah muttered condescendingly, as he hastily exited the building. Elijah had seen no profound "I am here to kill you" truth in her eyes. He had only seen what he identified as wonder and confusion followed by an almost insane looking anger.

"Wonder?" His mind struggled to get around the fact that she looked as if she had enjoyed his kisses.

He had never seen such a look upon a woman's face. How could a killer allow him to kiss her? More importantly, if she were controlling his emotions why now did he still want nothing more than to run back to her and explore her mouth in more detail?

The further he walked from her apartment the surer he was that perhaps this little witch hadn't compelled him. That perhaps she wasn't out to kill him.

"But the Fates...?" he thought, they may be cryptic but they do not lie. Elijah needed answers and fast. He knew only one person that might have more knowledge of witches than he. The only man he'd come to trust in this world. Archer Slate.

Taking a quick look at his watch he saw that it was just after 5pm, Archer would be awake soon. Hopefully Archer would be able to shed some light on his witchy problem.

"If not?" Elijah thought, "He's at least good for a drink."

Chuckling at his own bad joke. He hailed the first taxi that he saw and gave the guy directions to Archer's house.

"That's a long way out of the city bud." The taxi driver, who stank of cigarette, said in a very 'put-out' tone.

"I'll pay you double, just drive" Elijah said nonchalantly, winding down his window and inhaling deeply. This would be an hour drive at a minimum and he was already missing the smell of fresh air.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that it wasnt fresh air he missed. But instead the smell of sweet fruits mixed with vanilla.


( Dedication's going to Blessy7 for being all round awesome and commenting heaps! Check out her story =D )

Hey guys =P

Yeah ok, so this is basically like a filler. The next chater is all about Cassandra's past and its going to be pretty long by the looks of things! So I wanted to just get this up to keep you all hooked haha =P

Don't spear me??

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and dont forget to fan and add it if you love it =D

p.s. it's not edited yet! So slander my mistakes all you like haha

Until next time! Take care!!! <3

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