Chapter 4 - "Well that was unexpected!"

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"A creature has been sent to end you"

"Creature? What creature?" Elijah said groggily, his voice was still clouded with sleep. He had been awoken to the sound of three voices. He knew instantly to whom the voices belonged. For they had come with words of prophecy once before. Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. The Fates.

"Her soul is old"

"Her powers run deep and true"

"Who is old? What powers?" He demanded a little more lucidly.

"The only weakness she possesses are her eyes. They are truth. Look to them, for they speak the reality her mouth may not"

"She will end life as you know it"

"End life? What is this? Who are you talking about?" He questioned. Completely awake now he was angry that the fates had not only disturbed his slumber, but also that they were contacting him at all. He wanted nothing to do with any creature of any other realm.

"You will know the one of which we speak when you see her"

"Well that was nice and cryptic of you. Thanks for the advice. Care to at least tell me who wants my head?"

"You already know the answer to that."

He rolled his eyes at his own ignorance, of course he knew.

"Why are you telling me this? What do you stand to gain?" He remarked, the fates never did anything out the kindness of their non-existent hearts. This much he knew was fact.

"Let us just say that your survival is of interest to us" The three fates cooed in eerie unison.

"I will not be indebted to you!" He fumed, his patience was wearing thin.

"We ask not for you to be indebted. We come in free warning."

"Nothing you offer is free" He hissed.

"The one who seeks to harm you had done us wrong. By helping you we hinder the other. That is our reward."

"At least you are honest; there is something in it for you..." He muttered to himself as the fates dissipated, allowing him to continue sleeping, not that he would be getting any now. Not after a warning like that.


Memories of the previous night flooded his head. The fates had come to him, warning him of his impending doom. Low and behold they were not lying. He had met a woman today. A witch in fact, when he had touched her, visions flooded his head. Visions of battle training not unlike his own. This woman had been taught the ways of the hunt. A witch with knowledge of the hunt would be a fearsome opponent. Especially a witch with the power to sense and control emotions. During his prime he would have laughed at such an opponent, but he was practised then and admittedly arrogant. These days he was lucky if he saw a weapon let alone wielded one.

Gaining a calm composure was proving to be a tiresome affair. With his emotions so powerfully at war, it was an effort to keep them hidden. But he had too; his life may very well depend on it.

The emotive witch would use any weakness she could to control him. Elijah's emotions were the one thing that he needed to keep in line if he had any chance at keeping his life. Sadly, as always, they were the one thing he couldn't control. The one thing he could no longer block out, no matter how hard he tried.

At first when Elijah had seen her wandering down the street, he hadn't recognised her as the one sent to end him. She seemed so precious and in love with life, so harmless and beautiful. So innocent.

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