Prologue (Part 2) - "I love it when a plan comes together" - Artemis

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A loud and agonizing prayer, echoed through the walls of Olympus like church bells in a ghost town, the Olympian Gods had not heard a prayer such as this in hundreds of years. It was a blood prayer. The scent was undeniably that of a witch, raw, untrained and wild. Modern times had seen witches become weak, unknowledgeable and forgetful of their place within the feeding line. In other words? Useless.

Although it was curious as to why one was trying to contact them indirectly. Even untrained witches knew that opening blood communication was dangerous at best; it was engrained within their DNA to never be able to escape certain knowledge. Hopefully, for the little witches’ sake, they were the only ones who could hear her.

Each God, although mildly curious, ignored the prayer, although some feathers became ruffled when the prayer turned into screams of demand.

“She certainly IS persistent,” Ares said with a piqued curiosity.

“Perhaps someone SHOULD go to her?”

“Put her out of her misery, you know?” He smiled wickedly. Thinking to himself she might be fun for a play, it had been a while since he had visited the mortal realm to wreak havoc.

“Leave her be, Ares,” Artemis chimed in. “Do not waste your visits on an insolent witch”

“Insolence could be fun,” he winked.

“Zeus would never allow you to inflict enough pain upon her for you to enjoy yourself Ares, is it truly worth the price you’d pay to Zeus?” Artemis stated confidently, hoping to sway him against hurting the woman.

Ares, paled. To see the God of war, violence and bloodshed virtually cringing at the punishment inflicted when one interferes with humans without permission, almost had her re-evaluating her plan. But stubborn pride kept her mind set steadfast.

For, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt had been wronged, disobeyed and made a fool of in-front of all of her huntsmen, and NO one, especially not a bastard lower God would get away with such tyranny. Artemis all but shook with anger, the wound was still fresh. She felt her face becoming flushed. Her fists clenched and her heart pounded loudly. Driven by a barely concealed rage Artemis dismissed herself from the presence of the other Gods’ and made her way towards her place of solace.

Where she could contact the witch in secret.



As she lay in a pool of blood, her own and her families, drifting in and out of consciousness, Cassandra decided that this life held no meaning for her anymore. She had tried in vain stupidity to contact beings who did not exist to help her, but when all is said and done, Cassandra realised, revenge would not bring her family back.

Grabbing the almost forgotten knife, Cassandra began to cut again, still numb to the pain, she cut violently and furiously. The quicker this was over the better. Eventually she dropped the knife and lay her head flat against the floor. It was now that memories assaulted her;

The day she realised she was pregnant.

The way Eric would fall asleep with his hand resting on her enlarged belly whispering wordless endearments to their unborn.

The relieving sound of Elise’s first cry.

The way it felt to provide nourishment from her chest.

The proud look on Eric’s face as it was announced their second was a boy.

The way Eric held and soothed the children.

First steps.

First words.

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