Prologue (Part 1) - A Bitter End

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Cassandra Hatchette was extremely late. She had ducked out, for what was only meant to be a 'quick' stop to the market as her family was eagerly awaiting her arrival home for supper. But somehow everything that could have lengthened her trip had. She had stumbled across friends she had not seen in years who all seemed to have life stories to share, there had been no bread at the first baker's stall, not one loaf, so she had had to try and find another which proved harder than expected due to yet another delay- the unusually large amount of people that were crowding the place, making a hasty shopping trip all but impossible.

"For heaven's sake," she thought.

All she had wanted was bread and fresh herbs.

The herbs she had tried to grow herself this year had not sprouted -again- as well as she had naively hoped. Giggling fondly at the memories of the many messy mornings she had spent with her little ones, Elise and Thomas, out in the garden as the three of them dug, planted and watered herb plants that were destined never to grow. The children would be covered head to toe with mud within minutes of touching the dirt, but giggling so hard that it felt almost criminal to stop their fun.

At least until the man of the house came home. He would stir the children, chase them crying "Fee, Fi, Foe, Fum! I Smell dirty children ready for their baths!" sullying every surface imaginable whilst doing so. The clean-up was treacherous, but admittedly worth the happiness their antics brought.

Cassandra knew that they were looked down upon by their neighbours for their loud and messy behaviour but she was simply too happy to care. Considering her background, Cassandra had never dared hope to marry, let alone lead the life she led now. An amiable loving husband, beautifully souled children and a place to call their own, as far as Cassandra was concerned, she was living the dream no matter where they stood on the social scales.

"Watch where you are going miss!" a man snapped at her. Rightly so, she thought abashed. She had, whilst lost within her scattered thoughts, walked right into him.

"I'm so sorry sir!" She said appalled at her own obliviousness. She continued muttering apologies as she moved out of his way.

He grunted a response and continued on his way.

Focused again on her surroundings, she noticed that the temperature had dropped sharply. She shivered, almost to the point of convulsion. The winter they were experiencing this year was by far the worst yet and word on the street was, that it was going to get fiercer before it got better. Pulling her shawl tighter and gripping her basket more firmly, she sped up in an attempt to avoid any more delays in her trek to get home to her family. Hopefully, she thought idly, avoiding any kind of flu, or god forbid, frostbite.

* * * * * * *

"Home at last." Cassandra sighed happily. Beyond thankful to be within reach of their little cottage abode.

She opened the door and breathed in deeply, inhaling and committing once more to memory the warm homey smell that their house exuded.

Which was when she noticed the noise, or lack thereof.

"Honey?" Cassandra called cautiously. "Elise? Thomas? Where are you guys? Now don't you be even thinking about jumping out trying to scare your Mummy, you hear?"

The silence stretched on.

Something was wrong. She could feel it within the very marrow of her bones.

The basket she was holding fell to the floor, its contents forgotten as Cassandra raced through the house hoping desperately to find her family playing an evil hide and seek game on her.

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