Chapter Forty-Three

Start from the beginning

She stepped forward, and one of the techs made room for her at the side of the bed. Behind her, she felt Dad’s solid presence. He put a hand on her shoulder, apology and forgiveness in that touch.

“Jennet,” Tam said.

Just her name, but it was enough. Their gazes locked. He was pale, and his eyes held shadows. Shadows she knew lurked in her own - memories of Feyland and their battles against the Dark Queen.

“Hi.” She wanted to touch him, but her hands were unwieldy lumps of gauze.

He reached for her, instead, and set one hand on her wrist, just above the bandages. His fingers were warm and alive, and her skin tingled at the touch.

They had won.

 # # #

 That night, Jennet dreamed she was in Feyland. She stood in a meadow of pale flowers. Above her the sky was pink with approaching dawn, and the air tasted of magic and possibility. There was a peaceful hush on the land, as though at any moment birds would break into full-throated song.


She turned to find Tam standing beside her. The light breeze ruffled his hair and pulled at his T-shirt. It was strange to see him without his armor. He smiled at her, something tentative and tender in his eyes.

“Hi,” she said.

A thousand other words danced on her tongue, things like thanks and sacrifice, fear and joy, hope and longing. Love. She didn’t know where to begin.

“Are you ok?” he asked. “I mean… it was a little confusing there for a while.”

“I’m all right. But how could you sacrifice yourself like that, Tam? I nearly lost you.”

Her heart clenched at the memory. She wanted to shake him. She wanted to throw her arms tight around him and never let go.

“I had to.” His eyes held hers, their expression unguarded. “Trading myself for you was the only way. But I’m glad you figured out how to free me.”

“Me, too.” She had to look away from him, or she’d start crying. “Puck helped, though. And Thomas.”

“Thomas. Do you think we’ll ever see him again?”

“At least once.” The quiet answer came from behind them.

Jennet whirled, to see the bard. The first sunlight lay on his cheek and glinted in his wise and weary eyes.

“Thomas!” She hugged him, hard. “I was so afraid…but your book of ballads had the answer, and then you helped…” The tears she’d tried to hide from Tam tipped over onto her cheeks.

“Hush.” Thomas stroked her hair. “Your battle with the Dark Queen is over now. The gate remains closed. You and your champion both sacrificed much, but you have won.”

“What about you?” she asked. “Can you come back to the real world now?”

He shook his head, and she pulled away. She should have known better than to hope. Her voice trembled. “Will I see you again?”

“Perchance. I have an inkling that the magic of Faerie is not yet done with the two of you.” He looked at Tam. “Guard your lady well, bold knight.”

Tam stepped up beside her and slid his arm around her shoulders. He felt warm and solid - a strength she could lean into.

“I will,” Tam said. “And she’s watching out for me too, you know.”

Thomas nodded. “Then I bid you both farewell. And good luck.”

He began to fade as though he were made of mist. Jennet could see the pale bells of the meadow flowers through him, the transparent half-smile on his face.

“Goodbye, Thomas,” she whispered as he disappeared.

Then there was only empty air, and birds singing. And Tam beside her, holding her, strong and true.

He looked at her, his green eyes so serious. Slowly, he dipped his head, bringing their faces close. His hair brushed over her cheek and she tilted her mouth up to meet his. Their lips touched in a perfect kiss.

Jennet closed her eyes. Light spread through her, like she’d sipped the sunrise.

No matter what happened next, she and Tam would face it. Together.

                                                                             ~ THE END ~

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Book Two in the trilogy, Feyland: The Bright Court, is now on sale, and can also be found here at Wattpad, along with Feyland: The First Adventure.  Happy Reading!


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