A Year Later...

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It had been just over a year since Sherlock and John had established their relationship. John would be lying if he said it had been anything but a roller coaster of a time. Anderson and Donovan had given them hell right from the start, but after a couple months they finally slacked off. He had heard them jeering a few times during cases, but a solid glare would get them to stop. Other than that, their time together had been nearly perfect. Sherlock still wasn't comfortable with them being intimate, but John respected that. Sometimes it was hard for him to resist, though, especially when Sherlock wore his button down purple shirt. That had been a favorite since early on, and the fancy for it hadn't changed. If he was being honest, this was the happiest he had felt in...God, in his life. 

John ran a comb through his hair one last time then smoothed his navy suit jacket before heading out of the bathroom. "Sherlock?" he called. "I'm going out for a bit. You'll be home tonight, right? We have dinner reservations at Angelo's."

"Yes, I'll be here," he responded. "You know you don't need a reservation there, don't you?"

"I'll be back soon," he responded, ignoring the comment. John smiled as he pulled on his coat before heading down the stairs. He was a little anxious, he had to admit.  He hailed a taxi and climbed in. "Hardwell's," he told the cabbie before settling back in the seat. They arrived at the shop a bit later, and John paid his dues before climbing out onto the sidewalk. He took a deep breath and stepped into the brightly lit room, striding over to the counter. "Hi, I'm John Watson. I'm here to pick up and order."

The woman behind the counter gave him a wide smile, one that she had obviously practiced to perfection. "May I ask what I should be looking for?"

John smiled warmly, his heart pounding as the words crossed his lips. "9 1/2 men's sterling silver engagement ring."


John came home around five that evening, unable to stop fiddling with the velvet box in his pocket. He was so proud of himself for planning all this on his own and Sherlock never catching on. He reserved their first booth together at Angelo's and already called in their orders. He even had Angelo put a candle on their table. "Sherlock?" he called. "Come on, our reservation is in 30 minutes." 

Sherlock rushed passed him, pulling on his coat. "Forget the reservation," he said breathlessly. "We have a case."

John's lips parted in a bit of shock. "Case? But...no, we have-"

"Reservations, I know, but we can eat later. You've already got on your coat, that's good. Come on, Greg is waiting for us." He ran down the stairs, not even giving John time to reply. 

John stood stock still for a moment, taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly before following his boyfriend.

During the cab ride, John called Angelo's. "Hi, yes, this is John Watson. I need to move my reservation-"

"You don't need reservations," Sherlock mumbled.

John glared at him. "-yes, to...We'll say half six."

"Eight," Sherlock corrected.

"Right, see you at half six." John looked at Sherlock. "Please, for me. Let's just...try to make this short so we can be on time to dinner."

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