Possessed (Under Rework)

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About a week later, Lightning Song and Sans continued training with the absence of any trouble occurring to them.

And now, Lightning Song's flying lessons with Flowey began.

It was windy that day. The grass swaying from the wind and leaves following the trail of the occasional breeze. While Flowey waited for Lightning Song, his petals were drawn towards the wind, which only aggravated him even more.

Sans finally appeared in front of the flower, the little pony in his arms giggling.

"Heya, Flowey," the skeleton greeted, setting Lightning Song down before him. "Thanks for helping out on teaching LS how to fly. Of course, she's far too young to be up in the air yet, but practice never hurt anyone."

Flowey sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I get it. So, I have to do this and teach her about SOULs."

"That was the arrangement."

The flower scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You can leave now, by the way."

Sans huffed and gave a wave to Lightning Song before he disappeared.

"So," Flowey turned to the small pony who was fluttering her wings excitedly, "you ready to get this over with?"

Lightning Song beamed, eager to learn how to fly.

The flower groaned, not getting the response he wanted which was a "no." "Uh... So, I forgot the real basics of flying so... Be patient, okay?"

The pegasus nodded and smiled, closing her wings to show how patient she could be.

"You know how to work those things, right?" Flowey asked.

Lightning Song hesitated for a moment. "I suppose so."

Flowey inspected the pony's wings for a moment before sighing again. "Just... get them going and try not to put as much weight on the ground. I mean, I think that'll work."

Lightning Song looked skeptical. She was starting to think the flower had no idea what he was doing. She then closed her eyes tightly, flapping her tiny wings as fast as she could.

"Oh," she heard after a few moments.

The pony finally gained the courage to open her eyes, and she gasped once she did so.

Lightning Song was at least three inches off the ground, her wings growing tired at every passing second. "I-I'm flying!" she exclaimed happily.

"Yeah." Flowey hid a slight smile. "You are. Good job, kid."

Once Lightning Song placed her hooves on the ground, she started to feel dizzy again. The so hated feeling from last night was slowly creeping back; and before she knew it, everything went pitch black.


I was back.

I was back in the place with the pink flower.

But why?

Wasn't last night enough?

The pink flower I soon realized to call Rainie was staring a few feet away from me, his eyes dull and unexpressive.

Lightning Song and Sans: The Story of the Pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن