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I was born of the sea but born a mortal.

I was once beautiful. I had beautiful Golden hair, like the sun. Because I grew up during the rise of the Olympian Gods I found refuge and became a devout follower of Athena. That was until my beauty rivaled her own. Poseidon,God of the waters, earthquakes, soil, storms, and horses. Athena's very own family member raped me inside of Athena's great temple in Atlantis. The goddess could only interpret her Uncle's dangerous act as a sign of offense to her very person. I had been her High Priestess and she deemed it all sacrilege. It is said that she became enraged with me and in that moment she turned me into what my name means, and all the rage and venom it carries, Medusa, "The terrible". Athena replaced my long athletic legs with a thick long snake tail. A large rattle sat on the tip of it. My hands were no longer delicate and soft. They were now cold, unfeeling, and surely unsettling. They were now made of bronze. My upper torso dark green and my breasts, shoulders and the back of my arms were lightly dusted with scales. My luxurious sun colored hair was now writhing, living snakes and my bottom canine teeth had been turned into sharp protruding golden tusks. No man could dare lay eyes upon me again, for if they dared hold my gaze too long my eyes would flash a bright, blinding light and they would be turned to stone instantly.

I was only allowed to look at myself one time, by the goddess Athena, and that was at the time of my transformation. After that, although very angry at the goddesses cruel punishment, my two sisters Stheno and Euryale along with myself continued to submit to the will of the gods by protecting some of their most valuable treasures. Together we guarded the golden fleece. I was the youngest, and strongest out of my sisters. Together we kept our borders protected from the Atlanteans and the Amazonians.

It took Athena assisting that brat Perseus to overthrow me and my people all for the sake of his crusade of love and vengeance. After Perseus slain me, Poseidon in his grief and heartache sprang forth from my blood a pegasus and Chrysaor. After some time, Perseus grew power hungry using my powers and turning anyone who would dare challenge or defy him into stone. Until one day Athena came back for it. Perseus was distraught and did not want to give me to her. He begged to keep me, but alas it was to not be. Athena told him of the secrets my body possessed. She told him about my blood. How the one in my left arm is filled with a dangerous potion deadly to any mortal and that My right arm has life restoring capabilities. She gave him one vial of each and in exchange for my severed head which she placed inside of her shield immediately and later used against her enemies. For centuries I was her weapon by force. I lay waiting for someone to help me, to save me, even the God who put me in this predicament but, alas, he has not. The gods no longer care. I will always and forever be Medusa, the Terrible...

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