Forgive me

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" Saeyoung? Do... do you have anything to say..? " MC gathers the courage to ask.
" I knew that you wanted to leave. But why? I don't understand.." He then replies looking up to meet MC's bright eyes.
" That's.... that's complicated " She then shifts her eyes down to the floor, not making any eye contact with her best friend.
" I get it. I don't know why I had my hopes up that you would tell me... I mean, you wouldn't even tell Zen right? I understand. You don't need to tell me anything MC. "
She was once again, filled with guilt. Beads of sweat leak from her head as the thought of losing the person she cared most about, was going to get more distant. Especially if she would leave the RFA for good. How would she contact Saeyoung? And Yoosung, And Zen, and Jaehee, and Saeran and even Jumin??

Thoughts take over her unstable mind as she forcefully pushes away from a concerned Saeyoung. MC brought her knees close to her chest along with her arms wrapped around them tightly, sobbing quietly.
Saeyoung,yet again, sits next to MC and caresses her back, slowly making circles over and over until her crying came to an end.

" MC. " Saeyoung now spoke in a clear and bold tone. He would normally talk like this when MC had a problem to share with him, or when he was trying to cure his twin brother from the brainwashing. She of course looked up at him, her eyes bloodshot.
" Is it because of Yoosung? " He said too much. MC instantly freezes up when she heard that familiar, cheerful name. Yoosung had always loved MC from the start of day1 right to the present time right now. But the horrendous memory that scars her forever, is Yoosungs sacrifice. Just the thought of it gave her chills down her spine and she uncontrollably started to shake in fear.
" looks like I hit the nail in the head with that one then... " Saeyoung says with a bit of sadness in his voice.
" It wasn't your fault MC. If anyone, you should blame me for not stopping him. Don't blame yourself, it was his choice to make and he was careless with it. " He smiles a little bit after finishing his so to seem speech. Yet, she still didn't reply. Hesitating whether to open her lips to speak or not.

" if I didn't join the RFA... nobody would've got hurt. Yoosung wouldn't of sacrificed his left eye, Jaehee worries that Zen would get in a scandal with me, Jumin lost V, Zen has to miss practice to come to meetings I arrange, You wouldn't be here right now hearing me complain and... and I wouldn't have to deal with a heart break... " The last sentence even surprised herself as she quickly covered her mouth. " Ah... forget what I just said, okay? "
She tries to brush it off, however, Saeyoung was now even more confused. He needed answers.
" MC... you realise you can tell me anything right? I'd support you. Please realise that. " He says in a softer voice. One again, MC falls silent and keeps her pale lips sealed shut tightly.
" Alright I won't push you for your answer. Tell me when you feel comfortable talking about it, Okay? "
MC nodded gently.
Just then, Saeyoungs phone made a screaming cat noise.
" SHIT! Oh... sorry MC. That scared me... it's alright it's just a message from Zen. Jesus how do I turn the volume down on this thing I'm gonna give myself a freaking heart attack"
It was at that point where MC burst into laughter at the sudden screaming of cats and Saeyoungs reaction.
"Pfft-.. HAHAHA!!! YOU IDIOT! BAHAHAHA THAT WENT OF AT THE WRONG MOMENT! HAHAHAH!!! " She continues to laugh and laugh. Saeyoung was shocked at the sudden laughter that filled the room. It made him feel warm inside though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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