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It was now the day of Max's trial. I had an awful sleep last night and I still don't know why. This trial is so trivial compared to most other that I have gone through and the fact that it had me up all night worries me. Even some of my bigger and more important trials have not had this much of an effect on me. I can't help but think of the last thing I saw before going to bed. The face of the man on the screen was replaying in my head over and over again. He had this face that seemed perfectly symmetrical with prominent dimples. The loose, curly hair and green eyes had stayed in my mind all night and I still can't figure out why.

I'm a strong and independent woman, I don't usually rely on others because I learned that will get me nothing but disappointment. I only have one assistant and her name is Jackie. She's an angel and is always helping me through all my cases. She's only two years younger than me but she keeps my head out of the gutter and keeps me focused. She texted me this morning to make sure I was awake and asked me for my breakfast order so I would be ready to take on whatever the day brought me.

I decide to dress myself in my usual dress pants with a flowy, white blouse. I grab my tight, black blazer in case it is colder than I anticipated out. On my way out the door I grab my briefcase and my keys to my 2 week old G-Wagon. The car has always been my favorite and I've always been told how it is sure to stand out when I pull up to the courthouse. Making a statement riding up is just one of the ways I like to have power over my competitors.

When I arrive at the courthouse I round into my spot and see Jackie already standing at the top of the stairs by the entrance. She is always timely but never beats me and I pride myself in never being late, but today I was.  I blame it on my lack of sleep and open the door to get out of the car and begin my power walk up the steps. Making my way half running half jumping up the stairs I finally make it to the top and before I do anything I nearly yank the breakfast bag from Jackie's hands, hoping that eating will fix the terrible morning I seem to be having even though it's only nine in the morning.

"Woah okay good morning to you too." Jackie states as I'm running through the court house like a mad woman. Normally I would be the first one inside and be reviewing my notes but of course today is not a normal day.

"Sorry, this morning was not good and I'm all out of sorts but thanks for the food I'll need it" I respond trying to not get too distracted as I finally open the large doors to see the entire prosecution already sat down ready to begin. I mentally punch myself for being later than usual as all their heads turn to see be stumbling in.

"I'm not even that late they need to not look as if I have ten heads right now" I state to Jackie as I put all my things down to get settled.

"I think it's just that they are surprised because you're usually here before the crack of dawn but I'll let you do you, if you need me you know where I will be."

I nod as a thank you and set up all my things on the table.  I always like the assurance that Jackie will be right behind me in the rare occasion I totally lose it, which has only happened once. 

I wait for the usual proceedings as I've done this many times.  I may only by 25 but I have become one of the best because of all my tactics. People have tried and failed to copy me mostly because no one can pull anything off as well as I do.

By the time Max walks in, handcuffed and looking nothing short of death, I am itching to start. This won't be a hard case but I just want it out of the way because of the terrible day I have had. When I hear "All rise" I'm taken from my thoughts and thrown into game mode. I eye the jury from afar and hope for the best as I am called on for my opening statement.

***One hour later***

"We the jury have decided to concur with the pleading, guilty on an insanity charge. Therefore reducing the sentence to only 5 to 8 years."

I silently give myself a little victory pump for getting exactly what I wanted.  The case was a breeze and I'm lucky that nothing crazy was thrown my way. As I look to my left Max looks less than pleased to still be going to prison but I could care less, I can't do it all and we won't be in there for life so I consider it a win. I turn to him and say "Now is usually when you're supposed to say thank you"

He looks at me and rolls his eye, "Oh yeah thanks for getting me 5 years in the psych ward."

"Could have been better but I'll take it, call me if you end up stabbing someone in there too" I remark with a smirk as Max is handcuffed and pulled away by two guards. At this point I take the time to turn around and see what kind of crowd was gathered today. I look to my left and see the victim's family staring daggers at me and silently crying. I give a remorseful look then turn my attention to Jackie who is helping me pack up my things. No matter how good at my job I am, or how heartless I claim to be, it does sting sometimes knowing that an an innocent person's family had to continue to grieve because of my success in the courtroom.

When I look back towards the entrance of the courtroom, I can't help but notice a tad more people inside than usual, especially for a trial of not much significance.  My attention shifts to three men getting out of their seats at the back of the room and moving to stand against the back wall, as if they are waiting for something or someone. All three are dressed in fancy business suits and a pair of sunglasses on, as if they are hiding their identity. None of them say a word to each other and I brush it off as I turn around and chat with Jackie about how the trial went.

Not three minutes later the room is nearly cleared out and I feel a tap on my shoulder, and what sounds like a man clearing his throat behind me. I turn around and see one of the three men right in front of me, along with the other two right behind him. They have all removed their glasses but their faces remain unrecognizable to me. Unsure of who they are or what they want, I give them a look telling them to start talking.

"Could we speak in an area more private Miss West" Says the one who tapped me on my shoulder.

"I don't see anyone else here right now so if you could get to your point that would be fantastic." I throw back, already annoyed with the time this is taking from my busy day. The man looks like he is about to object when one of the other two steps forward and begins speaking.

"Miss West, my name is Charles Det and I'm a talent manager for Harry Styles, are you aware of who he is?" I think to myself, I know I had heard that name before, he's a famous singer for band, I occasionally listen to the music, kind of catchy.

"Yes I'm aware, he was in a band right? But why are talking to me? Incase you missed what just went down I am a lawyer not some girl to rocket his ego." I give back.

"Miss we know, have you tuned into the news lately, if you have I'm sure you would know why we are here."

I have no clue what this man is talking about but as soon as he finished I hear Jackie gasp behind me. She was always into this guy and his music but I'm still trying to figure what they want. I just give them a confused look and the man, Charles, explains.

"Miss West, he was recently accused of murdering his current love affair." He tells me in a low whisper.

As soon as he says those words I suddenly know exactly who we are speaking of. The man I had seen on TV last night and the face that had occupied my thoughts all day was not some corporate random, but rather the one and only Harry Styles. I am completely shocked as I have only ever seen positive things about him in the news and I cover my mouth with my hand to conceal the shock of my realization.  Once I compose myself, I answer the man.

"Yes I did see this mentioned on the news last night but I did not pay close attention to it."

The man who originally came up to me now begins to speak, "Well you better start because we would like to hire you to defend him in court."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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