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"For the fifth time Max, I could not give a shit if you say you did not kill her because every single person on that jury thinks you did it, so give me all the information so I'm not made a fool on the stand again."

"I was just walking in from a night with the boys, you know, doing us, having a good time, and I went inside of the house and she-"

I zoned out after he started the story the same way he has every single time I have attempted to get the truth out of him.  As a defense attorney I try to give my clients the benefit of the doubt to make sure I argue my case as perfectly as possible, but Max is my current exception. He's been accused of stabbing his wife to death with broken beer bottle, and though he thinks his story corroborates his innocence, he has no legal background to know it does the exact opposite. His "friends" faded into the wind the minute the ink on the warrant dried so they have been no use to my case, but  my Columbia Law degree gives me all the knowledge I need to keep Max out of prison. Though, his arrogance and idiocy through this whole ordeal almost makes me want to lose the case, I emphasize almost.

I take pride in being one of the top defense attorneys in the nation. I defend some of the worst people known to man: rapists, serial killers, murderers, thieves, you name it and I have probably tried to keep them out of prison to keep my job. I don't deal with the nice guys nor the good ones but I am fucking fantastic at my job. Not many people can say they know how to keep a murderer out of prison merely with their words.

Max isn't even half as bad as he could be and even though I know he did it, I have enough evidence to plead insanity and get him a shorter sentence just because of the pure idiot he is. He seems like your average 33 year old guy, but I can almost guarantee that a psych evaluation will give me even the slightest bit of evidence i need for the insanity plea.

"Alright Max you are quite honestly useless in this so we are pleaded guilty on insanity."

"C'mon Ab you know I'm not crazy, they're gonna put me-"

"First, do not call me that, second,  I don't care what they do with you once you get the shorter term and not a life sentence my job is done and what they do with you will never bother me."

"But that's not me! I can't be in there with those people! They'll kill me with their eyes!" He dramatically exclaimed over the phone.

"My job is to keep you our of prison, you are paying me to keep you out of prison, and guess what, you will not be going to prison so I held up my end of the deal," I responded, done with his nonsense for the day. "Now let's just hope you hold up your end with the money," I murmur under my breath as I go to hang up as there is nothing that I want to hear from him right now.

I start prepping some more for Max's case tomorrow, standing up to stretch as my whole body feels numb from sitting down for so long. I have no doubts about winning what I ask for, but I always like being extra prepared in case the prosecutor decides to throw some random evidence or witnesses on me. I'm about to turn my lamp beside my bed off when a picture illuminating from my muted TV catches my eye. The man on the screen looks oddly familiar, probably from some pop culture magazine I've passed on the street. According to the headline across the bottom he's been accused of murdering his girlfriend. I assume he's probably not done it himself as I deal with murderers every day and he does not exactly fit the usual description. I may be good at what I do but collusion cases I decide to stay away from. I prefer to stay on the individual side of things, its easier to prove one person did or did not do something as opposed to a whole group of people pointing fingers.  

After another look at the screen I decide to call it a night and get some more sleep before the trial tomorrow.

!!just a start to get an idea of who Abby is and what she does!!

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