Zuko scowled from where he still stood beside me. "Alright... You got your show. Move on." The other pedestrians had moved along, but the man still stood. He had sheathed his broadswords and stepped towards Zuko to size him up.

"You got a problem boy?"

Zuko clenched his jaw. "Yeah. Get out of my face."

He smirked. "Tough guy, huh? Trying to be tough for your girlfriend. How's about I show her a real ma-"

"Hey! Move along! Leave these travelers alone," a familiar voice suddenly spoke. Time seemed to stop. I looked over in surprise. My eyes widened in utter amazement and also horror at the man I saw.

"Kona! Go grab me the bowl of water! Her fever's come back," Kieda ordered, tucking the covers back under my shivering body. My face pulsed in pain, and I whimpered as another chill coursed through me. The petite woman with burgundy hair and aqua eyes smiled weakly at me. "Don't worry sweetie... Your body's just fighting off the infection still. You'll be back to yourself in no time."

"Here!" A young man's voice spoke through the hut I'd been in since I'd woken up three days ago. When he came over, I saw he had dark blue eyes like his father and brother, but the hair tint of his mother. "Do you want me to go get Areto? Or I could go find Hanna?"

She shook her head. "No. Areto's out with some of the younger warriors training, and Hanna's with her fiancé. Stay here with Crystal while I go get her grandmother."

Kona obeyed, taking the spot where his mother had been kneeling beside me. She left the hut swiftly. As she was gone, the eighteen-year-old young man who looked like an older version of his brother Areto dabbed at my sweat covered face. He was careful not to press against any of the blistered skin for fear of causing me pain.

It had been difficult to speak since I woke from my trauma, but I managed to choke out, "Dad... Where's my dad?"

Kona was surprised when I spoke. He hadn't heard me speak for over three weeks. He smiled kindly. "He's at a council meeting. Things have been pretty hectic since the Fire Nation attacked... My father's there with him. I'm sure he'll catch us up when he gets back for dinner."

I grimaced as another sharp pain shot through my skin. "I want daddy..." Tears started to fall. "I want him..."

He sighed, brushing a strand of sweat drenched hair from my face. "Chief Hakoda will arrive soon... You need to rest though, kiddo."

"Mommy's dead," I suddenly choked out. "She's dead Kona."

He frowned, and then gently stroked my hair. "Your mother died protecting you... She wouldn't want you to be upset." He pulled his hand away. "You need to focus on your health right now. Your father and grandmother are worried about you."

I coughed suddenly, and then a harsh shiver ran through me. He placed the rag back on my face trying to soothe my aches and pains. "Katara... Sokka... Are they okay...?"

"Yeah... They're safe. Your grandmother's been keeping an eye on them. We'll let them see you tomorrow."

My eyes drooped, and I sunk back on my mat in pain and exhaustion. "Good... I'm glad their okay..."

"Thank you, kind sir," Iroh suddenly said to the man approaching us. The broadsword man had stomped off and around the corner with a scowl. "We owe you for your assistance."

My eyes looked at Kona with utter bewilderment. He didn't look much different from when I last saw him three years ago. His hair was a little longer, which he kept tied back in a low hanging ponytail. He also appeared stronger, and had some battle scars adorning his tan skin. His dark blue eyes were no different as they bore holes into my own. He knew who I was, and he was astonished to see me as well. He was wearing some earth kingdom clothing, and I assumed he was in disguise.

Blazing Crystalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें