Water and Fire

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Crystal POV

Sitting on a boulder that jutted up from the cold cavern floor, I watched as Zuko and Katara contemplated our next move. We'd followed the water that trickled through the cavern to the back of the cave, where we unfortunately arrived at a dead end. The water was coming from a small crevice in the cave floor, and we all knew it would take an earthbender to get us through. Katara had even gotten in the water to see if the opening was deep enough to swim through, but we were all too big to pass.

"Maybe I could try and blast a hole through the stone..." Zuko tapped his chin in thought. "The surface might be thin enough to break through."

Katara let out a deep sigh. "I should've guessed escaping wouldn't be easy... We're prisoners. Azula wouldn't have put us somewhere with an exit."

The pain in my ribs had eased slightly, and the throbbing of my cheek was starting fade. Although the searing fire in my back remained, I knew I had to get my strength together to help Katara and Zuko. The whole time Zuko carried me on his back, he kept blaming himself for what Azula had done to me and I didn't want my condition to upset him.

"She never would've hurt you if it wasn't for me... I should've stopped her... I should've just surrendered to her... This is my fault..."

Shaking my head against his shoulder, I whispered, "You couldn't have stopped her if you tried, Zuko... Ever since the day I met Azula, she immediately was set on finding a way to hurt me. It has nothing to do with you... She just likes the feeling of power, and knowing she can beat me fills her with that power..."

He stopped walking as my words sunk inside him. Then he spoke again with sincerity. "I'm going to make her pay for the pain she's caused you... She'll regret ever burning you when I'm through with her."

I fell silent as the determination in his tone lingered in my ears. As much as it filled me with warmth to know he cared for me enough to seek revenge, I also didn't like the thought of Zuko hurting anyone.

"We could combine forces, perhaps. I could try and freeze the rock above to make it firm, and then you could shoot a blast once there's enough tension. The force may be enough to break an opening large enough for us to pass. From what I could see, the surface before us isn't that thick. One blast may be enough."

Katara's suggestion made Zuko consider the possibility. He wasn't convinced it would work though. "I feel like all my blast would do is melt the ice and have no damage on the earth beneath."

My sister let out a deep breath as frustration filled her. "There has to be a way. We can't give up. Let's just give it a try..."

As Zuko nodded in agreement, and Katara prepared to freeze the wall, I managed to find my feet. Standing, I grimaced as the movement aggravated my back, but I tried to refrain from making a sound of discomfort. Instead, I stepped over to where Katara was already working on forcing the water to flow up the stone and freeze around the material. As she did so, Zuko stepped back and prepared to fire a blast at the surface. Taking up some water with what strength I could find, I backed up beside Zuko. They were both astounded.

"Crys, what are you-"

Cutting Katara off, I answered softly but with confidence, "Gran Gran told me a long time ago that Fire and Water don't work together... Growing up, I've always believed those words..." Pulling the water in front of me, I shut my eyes as my whole body protested. I kept a firm stance. "But I think she's wrong... If we combine our elements in one strike the hot and cold may be just enough force to break through."

Zuko, who held his body in a stance ready to fire, looked at me with uncertainty. "I get what you're saying, but your condition isn't the best to try this righ-"

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