Caged and Chained To Him

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   I whimpered and grabbed my ass sexually. Esperanza had hit me with the whip for, like, the fourth time. Apparently, I was being naughty. I went from the pile of pillows I was laying on to kneel in front of the cage bars. Grabbing ahold of the two bars, I ran my breasts up and down them.

   When I had got here, Erik already had everything set up for us so we all just went to our places and the people started pouring in. The lights were all off and lazer- laike beams were bouncing everything. It was hard to focus on what I was doing because everyone was cheering, and there was loud music all around. But, if it even looked like my mind was somewhere else, Esperanza would whip me. That time was almost over, though because as soon as the music changed all of us "slaves" would climb up our cages, strip and start dancing.

   The men that were standing around my cage suddenly went crazy and started throwing money into the cage. After a couple too many rounds of shots, I wasn't sure if anyone in here was sober anymore. Although, I gladly took the money and stuffed it into my teddy.

   Moaning and smiling at the men, I bent over on my hands and knees so that Esperanza could do her thing. She came over and sat on my back, taking her whip and wrapping it around my neck, but not enough to choke me. Reaching under me, she stroked my breasts and started rubbing all over me.

   I didn't really mind any of this because in a way it was fun.

   As soon as the music changed, she helped me up and I started walking towards the cage exit. Before going out of it, I beckoned for Esperanza to follow, then I started climbing. I swung backwards for a second to swing my ass in their drunken faces.

   When I reached the top I started dancing and swinging on my pole. To tease them, I took off my thong and threw it into the crowd. I slipped my silk pink teddy down to expose my breasts and cover my booty.

   Holding my breasts, I started dancing again and closed my eyes. Sure, this was fun and all, but I wanted Alison to think of me better than this. I was thinking about my future and the people in it when a voice brought me back to reality.



   As soon as she looked down and saw me, she crossed her arms over her breasts and looked embarrassed as she blushed. What the fuck was she doing here? She worked here?

   No wonder she was so good in bed, man. She's a fucking stripper! My wolf laughed.

   Shut up! She may be a stripper, but you're a goddamn murderer. 

   Before he could say anything else, I looked at Kiowa and asked him for his jacket. He obliged and I threw it up to Katrina. Kiowa elbowed me and ran his hand through his hair, looking emmmbarrased.

   "I think Imma go get something to drink," he said before walking away. Kat started climbing down the cage, and I had to try hard not to kill the people that were trying to get up on her. She looked at me biting her lips. No mate of mine was going to work in a strip joint.

   "We need to talk."


   I followed Blake into the VIP room and sat on the satin red heart shaped bed looking at him, very unsure about what was going to be said. He had no say in what I was doing because he wasn't a part of my life. What was I talking about? Of course I cared what he had to say . . .

   "Katrina. what are you doing here?"

   I scoffed. "Dancing. I work here."

   He leaned against the wall and folded his arms. The way his muscles showed under his T- shirt was unbelievable. Blake's brown shaggy hair was so sexy under this light. He was just so . . . Ohmygod. What am I doing to myself?

   "But, the thing is, Kat, that you don't have to work here. Do you want guys to look at you and touch your shit? Is this the kind of life you want for yourself! HIV and STD's?"

   Groaning, I stood up and walked over to Blake with my arms folded and tears stinging in my eyes. He had no right to talk to me like that! This was none of his concern.

   "Because, I need the money," I yelled. "Alison and I . . . We just need the money."

   "What? You and your daughter need the money? God! Yeah, I know bout her."

   I stared blankly at him. Daughter? He knew? I pushed Blake backwards and punched his chest lightly. That bitch!

   "You knew, and you didn't say anything! Why do you even care?" Blake laughed and it made me even more pissed off. I started pushing and slapping Blake's chest. And, because I was such a baby, I started crying while I did all of this.

   His hands grabbed my wrists and he pressed his lips against mine. Without even thinking about what I did next, I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. When a few moments had passed, Blake layed us both down on the heart shaped bed and removed the jacket off of me.

   "Because . . . I care about you."

   I shouldn't have done it, and I shouldn't have let him let me, but I undid his belt buckle and his pants, then took them off of him. I went back to lay on the bed again as Blake started kissing my neck. No! What was I doing? I didn't want to have sex, and I sure as hell didn't want Blake.

   "Wait. Katrina, stop." Blake got off of me and stood up, pulling his pants back on. He ran his hands through his now messy hair and groaned. "We can't do this because I don't want to ruin what we have."

   "We have something?"

   Blake grabbed my hands and pulled me up, off of the bed. Moving my hair away from my face, he smiled slightly. "I would like to. I would like to have something with you because I . . . " His voice trailed off and I wanted to know what he was going to say.

   "You what?"

   Instead of answering me, Blake reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a silver object. It looked like a phone, but what was he doing?

   "Call me if you ever need anything, or if you just wanna talk." Um, he was just going to give me his phone? If he gave it to me how would I be able to call him? "Don't worry. I have more at home."

   He put his hands into his jeans pocket and asked, "So . . . Can I give you a ride home?"

   I knew that I should have stayed to finish my dance, and that Erik would probably be totally mad at me. I knew that I shouldn't have accepted his phone because I wasn't allowed to have one. And, I knew that I shouldn't go home with Blake, but there was a part of me that really wanted to.

   "Sure," I said.


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