It's Gonna Happen

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   After a couple hours or so of working, I went home. I'd danced on stage for a while and then went to run drinks, give lap dances and pole dance. It was a pretty fun day, I guess. But, tomorrow I had to go shopping for a freakin' skimpy piece of lingerie. Because, we were doing this showcase thing Saturday were we got inside of these cages and were supposedly sex slaves. Also, i had to go shopping for a dress to wear to the wedding . . .

   I'd kinda decided that I was going to go. Not because of Blake. But, because of Dominique. 'Cause I wanted to support her on her wedding day. Um, so I had to find Blake tomorrow to tell him I would be his date. I was still going because of Dominique, though. Besides, Alison might want to get out of the house for a while. She didn't have very many toys, so I would buy her a few. Speaking of Alison, I got up out if my bed and went to check on her. Her door was cracked so I peaked my head through.

   Ali was playing with her favorite baby doll Kimerie. Smiling to myself I closed the door and walked to the bathroom to start my shower.

   it was a relaxing time, I suppose. The heat of the water against my body felt good. Hmm . . . I enjoyed myself until the bathroom door opened. Peeking through the shower curtain, I saw my dad walk in naked.

Pueblo was turning out to be worse than I thought it would be. Seriously, I'd only been living in Colorado for a few days, and I already hated it. Hated the town, the school, and my life here. Although, the government was, I guess, making Mark get a job so I had more time for me. And then there was Blake. I hated myself for kinda loving him. Liking him made me miss and want to talk to Trey. I would call him, but Dad didn'y allow me to have a phone. Alison seems to like living here. Mostly because of our neighbors, though. Everyday while i've been at school, she's been over there. Alison is such a cutie when she's around them.

   My second journal entry looked good to me. Today I was not going to school. Well, I was, but only to see if Dominique wanted to go shopping with us. My baby girl was going also. I would just tell mark that I was taking her to daycare or something.

   Sighing, I grabbed my purse and headed to Alison's room. That little cutie was putting on her fluffy boots. She was wearing a denim skirt and a white shirt that had princess written on it. Earlier I had curled her hair, and so now Alison looked like she could be on Toddlers and Tiaras. No flippin' joke.

   Grabbing Ali's hand, I walked downstairs with her and left before Mark even saw us. When I got home tonight he would be at work so . . . All of the way to the school Alison went on and on about how she needed a new Polly Pocket; apparently she'd lost her other one.

   For most seventeen year olds, you would think they's hate to have a daughter at twelve, but I don't. Having Ali made me feel happy and with her I felt like I had something to worry about.

   "Stay in the car, Kay, babe? I'll be right back."

   "M' kay, trina."

   Frowning I walked into the school. Right, she would have to call me Katrina. To her, I was just her big sister, now.

   I didn't have to look hard to find Dominique. As soon as I walked into the school she was right there; along with Kiowaand Blake. They were sitting on the ground talking andlaughing. All of that stopped when the saw me, though. Smile, Katrina. You're here to make things right.

   "Katrina," said Dominique. "What are you doing here?"

   Smiling I said, "I go to school here, you know." Their faces were confused big time. Probably because yesterday, I'd stormed away from all of them. "No,um, actually I was wondering if you wanted to ditch and go shopping with me."

   She laughed and jumped up to come and hug me. "Um, yeah! Anything to get out of this place."

   "What are you girls going to go shopping for?" Kiowa asked.

   "I gotta buy s dress for your guys' wedding." Blake looked at my funny with questions in his eyes. Ohgod, what in the name of the angel was I doing? Would he even still want to go with me? "I tought about it for awhile, and I'm sorry for yesterday. So, I was wondering if you still wanted to be my date?"

   He rose his eyebrows, but then smiled and pounded Kiowa's fist.

   "Hell yeah, I still want to."


   After D and Katrina left, Kiowa and I started making plans. I knew Kat would come around. For real, who could resit this?

   Yeah, yeah, you're hot. Now, what are we going to do?

   What the fuck do you mean?

   You're gonna fuck her tomorrow right? Like I said, she's gonna ride you goddamn hard!

   "Dude, are you even listeningto me?" Asked Kiowa.

   Shaking my head, I came back to reality. Damn my wolf to hell! If I actuallyhad a chance with Katrina, I was not going to have sex with her tomorrow. Oh--Kay, Blake. Yeah, right! Like that was going to fucking happen!

   "Yeah, man, I'm listening. Bro, my wolf won't shut up about fucking Kat."

   He looked at me like he was disgusted. What the hell did he know? He never had to go through this shit.

   "Wait. Are you going to? At the reception, I mean?"

   I turned my head foreword and shrugged.

   "Tomorrow's the full moon. I don't think I'll have a choice either way."


   Alison was really good at pretending to be my little sister. Dominique seemed to buy it nd she couldn't get enough of her. All throughout our shopping spree, D either held Alison's hand or carried her. I was so happy that she was okay with me bringing Ali along and that she was coming to the wedding tomorrow.

   Speaking of the wedding, I had found the cutest dress ever. It was white and black and it went down to my knees. It had spaghetti straps and I looked flippin' sexy in it. And, while I went to Victoria's Secret to buy me some lingerie, Dominique took Ali to Toys 'R Us.

   Holy shit, did I find somehting skimpy! It really didn't even cover anything. But, Erik would be pretty happy with what I'd picked out.

   As I walked out of Victoria's Secret, I spotted D and Ali sitting at a Pretzel Makers table. Walking over to them, I pushed my lingerie further into my bag so Dominique wouldn't spot it.

   I sat down next to Alison and said, "What's up?"

   Popping a bite sized soft pretzel into her mouth before answering, my baby said, "We're eating. Want some?"

   "Naw. I'm good. So did you guys buy something?"

   "We did! Dude, I miss being a little kid. I love baby dolls. Even know when I'm seventeen," D said laughing.

   "That sounds fun." Humph. A baby doll was not a Polly Pocket. I looked at Alison and she laughed. Then she took a gulp of her soda.

   "So," I said to Dominique. "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

   "I so am! Girl, I love Kiowa so much, and I know we're young, but I just love him so much! I can't wait to get married to him! Are you ready for tomorrow? I mean, with Blake? Are you ready for him?"

   I looked own and closed my eyes. Was this the truth or was I lying to myself?

   "I'm ready."

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