He went to say something else, but then he stopped and sighed heavily. "You're strange," he muttered. Turning, he walked across the room over to the table against the wall. He picked up something and walked back over to me.

"Here... I found some books you can look at while you're stuck in here. They look like they describe plants and animals and stuff. I know you're always asking me about things, so maybe you can learn some stuff on your own."

I stared at the three books he held out toward me in amazement. Taking them from his hands, I said with a grateful smile, "Thank you."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "No big deal... I got them from Uncle's stash. There's more where they came from." He walked over to the chain in the room while I inspected the books. I knew how to read, but I wasn't great at it. At the South Pole my father and mother tried to teach us what they knew. We learned to write on some parchments and read from some scrolls. Sokka and Katara had both learned much faster than me. Opening to the first page, I already struggled with the words.

Zuko chained me up, and then made his way to the door. As he went to leave, he turned back toward me. "Uncle said he'd check on you soon."

Meeting his gaze, I asked softly, "You won't hurt them will you?"

He took a moment to sink in my question. Finally, he looked away crossing his arms. "No... My only mission is to capture the Avatar. He's the only one I want."

I grimaced. "I wasn't just talking about my family."

He frowned. "I'll do whatever it takes to capture the Avatar."

He turned on his heel and left the room. I watched him go with agony. Would he really hurt a kid for his honor?

With a heavy sigh, I picked up the book again and lied back trying to distract my worries. The book was about plants, and there was a number of drawings that helped me get through the words I couldn't read. Before I realized it, I was so engrossed in the book that time seemed to fly by. At some point during my reading, I felt the ship speed up and wondered what was happening. Then the ship started to jerk violently telling me we were definitely under attack.

Standing up quickly, I rushed across the cabin and pressed my ear to the wall. Shutting my eyes, I tried to listen to the world outside. Shouts could be heard, a loud smash, and the ship creaked as it was hit. The jerk of the ship forced me away from the wall and onto my butt. What was happening? Was it my family and Aang? I hated being downstairs and unable to see anything. I was worried about my family. I was worried about Aang. I was worried about Zuko.

At the last thought, my eyes widened and my face burned.

Zuko...Why was I worried about Zuko?

It seemed the ship shook violently for another hour, until finally it was still. The fight was over, and with it only brought me more anxiety. Pacing back and forth frantically, I wondered if my family and Aang were captured. Please don't be captured! I couldn't imagine what would happen if Aang was actually imprisoned by the Fire Nation. I did know one thing though: we would all be doomed.

A knock on the door suddenly sounded. "Crystal. It's Iroh. I'm coming in." A second later Iroh walked into the room. His face showed concern and I could see he wasn't thrilled with everything that had transpired above.

I had to ask. "What happened?"

The old man sighed, walking over to me and sitting cross-legged on the floor. "Zuko foolishly tried to shoot your family and the Avatar out of the sky." My eyes widened. "Of course he missed them!" Iroh quickly said, trying to calm my worries. "They're fine the last we saw them. We managed to get into the Fire Nation without being stopped, and Zuko has taken his personal steamboat to go to Roku's temple on his own." He rubbed his face looking exhausted. "However, I fear Commander Zhao may be following him."

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