3 AM

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Why the everloving hell is he up? It's 3 AM!

Em sighed in annoyance, staring at the giant in front of her. Of course she was safe, hiding behind the sugar jar, but she could only really ask herself why he was awake.

She sighed once again, dully noting her hands were shaking.

Of course, the one blasted time she actually built up the courage to borrow, the handsome idiot of a human was rummaging around his refrigerator, in the dark, at 3 AM.

Just fantastic!

She braced herself for action, readying her hook and her bag; she didn't want to stick around with a human for too long.
Deep inside the corners of her mind, she wanted to meet him. He owned a few smaller geckos and he was always was gentle. What makes her so different?
But the smarter side of her scoffed and always said "You're a borrower dumbass!" and it was always the end of discussion, though it didn't make too much sense either. She was looking through rose tinted glasses, and as much as she hated it, this giant that could murder her without a second thought was the first crush she's ever had.

She wagged her head to semi clear her mind, braced herself, and took off.
Her main goal for tonight was to get leftovers.
Recently, the human made ribs, and she was desperate for a taste.
Of course, there was a reason she was here at the ungodly hour of 3. She didn't expect him to be up.

She was wrong.

Daniel hummed a nice, far off tune, looking around his kitchen trying to wake up. He had a nap at 5 and woke up at 3, starving and oddly motivated. He opened the fridge, looking around for something good to either make or heat up.

He took out butter, eggs, cheese, and two pieces of bread, prepping for a bombass grilled cheese. Taking out his pan, he lighted the stove.

Quickly putting butter on the pan, he hummed, oddly content. Nothing, in his mind, beat cooking. But cooking at 3 after a badly timed nap had it's charms.

He took out a different pan and put that on the stove too, greasing it with peanut oil, then cracking two eggs.

He turned on the overhead stove light, bathing his small workspace in a soft yellow light.

Suddenly, he saw it. A small person staring off into the distance like they were in thought, hiding behind his sugar jar.
He paused, watching her sprint across the counter, fully ignoring him.

Why was she so oblivious?
If he was small, he would have been on high alert, especially when people were around.
Before he could think about it, he uttered a quick "Hello?".

She turned to him, her small face doused in the yellow of the light, reading a mixture of horror a "deer in the headlights" look.

"Uh. Hi?"

She didn't answer. She just stared, hook still in her hand waiting to be thrown. It was a staring contest, her hard breaths and the soft crackling of eggs drowning in oil the only noises happening in the room.

"I uh don't want to bother you but do you want something? I could help if you want."

She stared at him for a few more seconds.

Suddenly, she sprang into action, running behind the sugar jar once again.
Dan was going to follow her, but his smoke alarm rang, breaking his train of thoughts.

A few minutes later, he found himself with an open window, overdone eggs, and the thoughts of a small girl filling his thoughts.

He wasn't going to admit it to himself, but he thought she was kind of cute.

Hey! This was a response chapter to the wuick chapter I did asking for prompts/ideas! (The pic of said prompt is at the top) This was fun, so if you want to send in more in the comments of this chapter I wouldn't mind!
Comments are always great, and thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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