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"Alex! Babe, I want you to see this!"
Alex looked around, finding himself in the middle of a carnival, watching a dashing young man throwing rings. 
The man was tall, with blonde hair and beautiful grey eyes. He smiled at Alex and threw one, effortlessly landing it on the highest spoke. An older gentleman smiled and handed the boy a soft plush bear, congratulating him on the victory. The boy thanked him, and gave the bear directly to Alex. The boy pulled him into a soft kiss, smiling into it. The two pulled away, and Alex saw him reaching in his pocket and in one fluent motion, got on one knee.
"Y'know, I've been meaning to ask you something, and I hope this is the right time-"
There was cheering around the couple, but all Alex found he could focus on was the man. He was perfect, giving him a heartwarming smile.
"Yes! Damien yes!"
Was that his own voice?
The boy, Damien, stood up and slipped a silver ring in his finger, kissing Alex gently once again. Far away, the sound of fireworks boomed-

Alex woke up, his head pounding, and when he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry. He moaned from his place on the concrete floor, once again closing his eyes. He let his mind wander, not really in the place to think right now. But then he heard it.


Where was it coming from?
He opened his eyes again, his brain protesting when he tried to focus on his surroundings. He looked around, finding himself in a concrete room, with the only interesting things being a tiny door and a matching wall of glass next to it.
Weird, he thought to himself.
I don't remember being a giant.

Of course, he laughed at himself. He wasn't a giant. He tried to recall his height, but he couldn't remember anything outside of that boy.

Being trapped in a concrete box is all well and dandy, but where am I?

He zoned out, trying to remember how the hell he got there.


Only a quiet room and the dream filled his mind.

How do I not remember anything?
Where's Damien?
Am I here willingly-

Again, he heard it


Like someone was clearing an intercom.

"Good morning! How's our favorite animal doing?"

A giggly girl's voice bounced on all the walls, surrounding him with her question, which hung in the air, unanswered.

"I see you're not doing well. At least you know what happens when naughty animals get out of line."

Suddenly, he found his voice.

"Where am I? Who are you? Where's my husband?"

The girl paused, whispering to someone also that must've been in the room with her.

"Haha! What a funny joke! Anyways, are you ready for another day?"

Again, she assumed her babyish tone towards him.

"Another day? Of what-"

He was cut off by the wall to his right opening, the wall not even a wall at all.
It was a big door.

If opened quickly, showing him the outside world. It was full of trees, almost as tall as him. He stood up, and took a nervous step outside. The whole place was covered with a dome, which filtered out the natural light.
He found himself taking a few more steps, hearing the sounds of people nearby.

He quickened his pace, desperate to find a way out of wherever he was.

Maybe leaving meant finding his memories.
Maybe this meant finding Damien.
Maybe he could finally go to wherever he called home-


Alex fell flat on his ass, rubbing his hurt nose.
He looked up at what was stopping him and found that he hit the wall of the dome. Still, he heard the noises of commotion, but where were the people? He looked around and only saw tiny buildings on the other side of the glass.

An urge in the back of his mind told him to look down.

Tiny people met his eyes, gazing up at him with awe. Some where snapping pictures, others were talking to each other, but most were staring.

And now it all made sense. He was just another animal.

Take this as it is lol. I wanted to write and this just kinda happened. Hope you enjoyed!

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