Midsummer's night

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Kelly was prancing along the stone path, enjoying the lukewarm summer air. Three strides behind her was her friend, Chase, who was watching the dragonflies dance across the lake. Of course, night was coming quickly but the two didn't worry too much. Kelly's house was just up the hill, and the soft dining room lights were raining down on the two safely. Chase shuttered, and Kelly looked at her friend with a worried expression. He was hunched over, and he looked hurt with his eyes scrunched up. "Chase? You doing okay?"
"Yeah, yeah-" Chase's whole body shook, knocking the breath out of the poor boy.
He fell on his behind, looking up at Kelly worriedly.
"Chase? Do I need to go get mom?"
Kelly reached out and touched his arm, but Chase flinched away. He looked into her eyes as he felt a zap go through his body.
"No! Uh, hey you know what I love? Going to the woods!"
Chase picked himself up, seemingly a few inches taller. He grabbed the girl's hand and started jogging to the nearby tree line.
"Chase! But we were just there! And these woods are haunted at night! There's giants!"
Just making it to the tree line, Chase stopped and fell to his knees, his whole body raking with a familiar aching pain.
"Chase! Chase! What's going on?"
Kelly was crying, confused tears racing down her face. Her best friend was getting bigger, but was still in the same position he was a second ago. Kelly's mind pieced everything together as he got bigger and bigger, and soon his head was taller than her. She whimpered, and sprinted to a nearby tree.
Chase looked up from the ground, and found that the trees were pencils, the lake a puddle, and Kelly gone. Chase sucked in a breath, and looked around frantically.
"Kelly? Kelly! KELLY!"
He sighed, overwhelmed and just wanting to find his friend. He started to listen, wanting to lose himself in the situation. A far off wolf howl, the small noises of humans in their homes, and....crying?
Kelly shrieked and buried her face in her hands, scared of what was going to happen.
"Kelly please come out, I'm not going to hurt you. We're both scared."
She sniffled, wiped away tears, and stood up shakily. She peeked, and saw huge, hazel eyes staring directly at her.
Chase was mesmerized. Her beautiful black skin was shining in the moonlight, and her worn overalls and flannel looked like dolls' clothes. Her wild head of black curls looked like a small tuft of grass.
"Kelly? Are you okay?"
Her head shot up, her face looking peeved.
"No! Do I look-"
Kelly's sentence stopped short when she saw how beautiful Chase's eyes were. They were brown lined with green, dotted with gold flakes. They were like moons, taking up her whole vision.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer."
Kelly half heartedly punched his nose, and giggled, starting to get used to her friend being the big bad forest giant.
Sorry if it has holes, I just wanted to write

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