~The One With the Cliffhanger~

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Zayn's POV

"Isn't this like a really rich neighborhood?" Louis asks as I turn onto my former street.

"It's not that rich, like middle middle class-ish. All I really know is that he said his parents were paying for it so I didn't argue. Also this house is pretty close to the uni I wanted to go to."

"Wanted? What changed your mind?"

"He did. He wouldn't let me go to school after I moved in with him. He said it would take me away from him, and of course me being the f-cking teenager I am, I didn't want to make him upset, so I never sent in my application." My hands tighten slightly around the steering wheel at the memory.

"I'm so sorry, Zayn," he says as I pull into my old driveway. I put the car in park and turn off the ignition, but neither of us make an effort to get out of the car. "Wait," Louis blurts after a few seconds of silence, "You're a teenager?"

"I turned 19 this past January."

"Oh thank god! I thought you meant like 16 or 17. Wow, that would have been bad." I give him a questioning look. "I'm 21, 22 in December."

"Oh." We get quiet again for a couple seconds before I break out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Louis asks.

"You're old!" I laugh harder when the look of shock takes over Louis' face.

"I am not! Take that back!"

"Make me, grandpa." As soon as the words leave my mouth, Louis lunges toward me but I quickly slip my way out of the car. "You're gonna have to catch me first."

And with that, Louis begins chasing me around the car. I'm able to stay a good distance away from him for a couple laps, but then out of nowhere he pins me up against the car. His hands holding mine at my sides, his body pressed again me, his face so close to mine I can feel his breath on my lips, eyes staring into mine.

"I caught you," he whispers. We sort of just stare at each other for a while, taking in the others presence. "Your eyes look absolutely stunning in the sunlight." Louis says as he releases one of my hands and brings his hand up to my jaw.

"Brown eyes do tend to turn a bit of a golden color in the sun." I can feel my heart rate increase as Louis brushes his thumb across my lips.

"Well they're beautiful." If I hadn't been stared into Louis' eyes so intently, I would have missed them closing as he presses his lips against mine. At first I think that this kiss will be like the, several, others, quick pecks that barely transferred real emotions. But I am quickly proven wrong when I feel Louis kiss me again, and again, and again. It takes me some ten seconds to realize that this is a real kiss. I quickly start kissing back.

I lied earlier. I said that there were fireworks before. Those were just mere shocks compared to the bursting electricity between us now. All the emotion being poured into each kiss, increasing every time, is amazing. It is the best feeling ever.

That is, until I remember where we are and what we're doing here.

"Are you okay?" Louis pulls back slightly. "You tensed up." I keep my eyes closed and my head tilted down as I think of how to formulate my response.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." I attempt to give him an assuring smile, but probably just look like I'm in pain. "Let's go in," I say quietly and then I lead him to the front door that I guess I had accidentally forgotten to lock up yesterday.

"Woah," Louis says, it's almost in a whisper, but I still hear it. I can probably understand why he's woah-ing. The house is still a complete reck from the day I called the cops. Although I was here I couple times, I didn't bother to clean anything up.

"I'm sorry it looks like this, I haven't had a chance to clean anything." I think the term clean is a complete understatement. There is literally flipped furniture, broken frames and vases, and even empty and broken bottles and cans everywhere. My ex didn't drink that often, but when he did, he drank a lot and became way more abusive than he normally was.

"Oh, I didn't even notice that." I pretend like I don't know he's lying and let him continue, "I was admiring the size of the place. It's a lot bigger than it looks on the outside."

By this point I have lead him to my art room. Well it wasn't really a room. It was more like a walk in closet. The is the last of what I have to pack up. My art.

I turn to Louis and I almost ask him to stay outside the door, but I don't. I instead wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him into a tight embrace. He wraps his arms right around my middle.

"So this is- or was, I guess, my art room," I say as pull back from our quick embrace. "And I'm not really sure how to phrase this, so I'm just going to say it. I have never seen these paintings, drawings, whatever in black and white before, so I guess what I'm trying to get at here is would you mind if we're not touching when in here. It's selfish of me to ask that, I know but I would really appreciate-"

"I understand. It's okay." Louis gives me a genuine grin and takes a step back with his hands behind his back. I chuckle a bit at him as l open the door.

What I see inside is truly shocking.

~A/N: dun dun dunnn. Hehe there's a little cliffhanger hanger for you. Oh and btw I'm v lowkey crushing on coincidentaldagger lol k bye -H~

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