~The One Where it Rains~

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One weak later
Zayn's POV

It's been just about two weeks and I'm feeling a lot better. My black eye is gone, some of my bruises have faded, and my cuts and bones are starting to heal. Louis is getting better too. He says that the therapy is really working. I'm really happy for him, he deserves the best.

Yeah I really wish he was my soulmate. He's nice, funny, hot. I really think I can see a future between us. I know it's a lot to say after just knowing him for two weeks, but it's how I feel. Too bad he can't be my soulmate.

Mother Nature must feel my sadness because it's raining cats and dogs outside.

Right now it's about- I don't even know what time it is, but I do know it's late. I was woken up by small shrieks and booming of thunder.

Wait, shrieks? Oh, that must be Louis. He's probably afraid of thunderstorms. Due to recent physical therapy, I am able to get out of the hospital bed and walk over to Louis.

"Move over, Lou." I whisper. He looks up at me in confusion. "It's Zayn," I laugh.

"Well, duh who else would it be?" He smiles back at me and moves over. "I hate that it gets so dark in here; can't see shit." He complains as I get comfortable next to him. "Not that I don't like this, and believe me I very much so like this, but why are you doing this?" He asks. I'm about to answer when...


Louis quickly latches onto me, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling himself closer to me with his face stuffed into my neck. I wrap my arms around his waist and pulled him so the there was no space left between us.

"Because you're afraid thunderstorms." He hums in agreement. "I want you to calm down and try too sleep okay?" I feel him nod.

It takes a while for his breathing to slow down. I run my hand up and down his back, tracing random shapes with my fingertips. After a couple minutes I hear soft snores coming from him. Finally, I can fall asleep as well.

Skip to the morning•

I am woken up by the white sun shining in my face and a pressure shifting on my chest.

Oh yeah. Louis.

I rub my eyes with one hand and take a look around the room. Black and white. But what was I honestly expecting? That I could possibly have had two soulmates? Ha! I'm funny. Might as well wake him up now that I'm up.

"Louis," I say softly, "wake up, it's morning." I nudge him a little, but he just mumbles and pulls me closer to him, if that's actually possible. "C'mon, Lou."

He finally moves back, keeping his arms around me, and opens his eyes, blinking to adjust his eyes to the light. After a few seconds of looking at me his eyes widen and the look of terror spreads across his face.

"Oh shit. This is not happening. I'm still dreaming! Let's try this again." He exclaims as he plants his head back into my neck for a few seconds then moves back. "Well fuck."

"You curse a lot."

"With good reason. I see them, Zayn. I see the colors." He whispers the word 'colors'. "What does this mean?"

"Well technically it means I'm your soulmate..."

"I sense a 'but' coming on."

"But I don't see the colors. So, technically you're not my soulmate," I say sadly.

"You keep saying technically. Why?" In all honesty, I was hoping he'd ask this.

"I don't agree with this whole 'human evolution' thing. I believe that people should get to figure out who they loved, who they were meant to spend the rest of their lives with. It just doesn't make sense to me that you're basically assigned to one person and that person is just given to you." I can tell that Louis is a little confused by what I'm saying. "What I mean is that I although you're not my soulmate, I really like you, like romantically, and would like to be with you."

"Even if it means you may never colors again?"

"As long as you're happy, that's all I care about." I start leaning in to kiss him, but I stop myself. "Would you mind going on a date with me first?"

"I would love to."

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