New World

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I wake up the next morning still on the floor. I remember last night. Misa and I were fighting about something, the only problem is... I can't remember what. I don't really care what it was, I'm just glad to be done with Misa. Now I can be with L freely... Well almost freely. I still have to worry about my families reaction.

I do feel a little funny though. Did anything else happen last night? I can't think of anything but fighting with Misa. That must be it. I've overworked myself.

I put a hand to my pounding head. It's extremely hot. I probably have a fever. I try to stand up but fall to the ground from dizziness. What the hell is wrong with me?

I hear my front door open. I must have forgotten to lock it. Or Misa left it unlocked.

"Light?" I hear L's voice call. "You're late for work, what's the-" he stops talking when he spots me laying on the ground in a fetal position and runs to me. He kneels down right next to me, placing a hand on my hip. "Light, what's the matter?"

"I... I don't know," I try to sit up. "I think I just overworked myself. I'll be fine." He puts a hand to my forehead.

"Light, you're burning up!" L shrieks.

"I'm fine, I just overworked myself, as I said." I say.

"Well you should stay home today," he said. "I'm not letting you out like this. Come on, I'll help you to your bed."

"Really, I'm fine, Ryuzaki, " I say as he lifts me off the ground and takes me to my bed.

"No you're not, you're sick," he says giving me a kiss on the forehead before placing me gently on my bed. "I'll go get you somethings from the store. I'll be right back."

"Ryuzaki, you really don't have to do that for me. You should really just get back to work."

"No, I am getting you what you need and there is no question about that. I'll get to work after I take care of you. You're more important." He says. "I'll be back soon." He heads out the door.

"Thank you, Ryuzaki," I call to him before he leaves. He turns to me and gives a smile.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you too," I smile and he leaves. I soon fall into another deep sleep.

I wake up to my bedside table filled with a bunch of things to help me through my sickness. I smile when I notice the note. I pick it up and open it.

Hope you feel better soon. I got you everything you need. I'll come over soon to check on you.
I love you,

I smile, taking the painkillers from my bedside table with a smile from L's note.

A/N: I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you are then please vote and comment. Let me know if I should continue this story or not though. Bye!

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